Human visual bias dominates cat selection at shelters. Infographic.

Here is an expansion of the information presented in the infographic in a conversation with AI which nowadays has awesome capabilities which are rapidly growing. We need to employ AI to our benefit and the benefit of animals that rely on us rather than using AI to exploit the vulnerable. Question: When cat rescue …

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‘Red’ a female tabby cat at an Aussie shelter needs a home urgently PLEASE!

Red is a tabby-and-white female rescue cat at a large shelter in Australia and she needs a new home urgently, please!

I would like to introduce ‘Red’, a charming but regular looking tabby cat who is sadly stuck at a large Australian animal shelter owned and managed by the Australian Animal Protection Society. She was surrendered by her owners in September of last year not because she was a problem to them in any way …

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‘Don’t get a puppy or kitten if you can’t treat them like actual beings’

Dog begs to be adopted by neighbour as they are fed up with the bad caregiving and the cold environment they live in.

The words of the title are not mine. They come from a social media user. The woman, Mona, wrote a story about a dog that begged to be adopted by the owner’s neighbour – her husband. The picture was taken by her husband as the dog was pleading. You know the old adage that …

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Poland’s animal shelters insist adopters keep their cats inside full-time and neighbours spy on them to make sure they do!

In Poland shelter adopted cats must be kept indoors

I was at the barbers today to have what hair I have left trimmed 🙂 . As usual for the UK, the hairdresser was Polish (sometimes they are Albanian or Hungarian). And she was a woman. Most Polish hairdressers in the UK are women it seems. They are all good hairdressers. But we never …

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US families dump pets as caregiving costs surge (Dec 2023)

American families dump pets as costs surge

NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a sad but probably predictable story made worse by post-Covid inflation. The news media report that American pet owners are concerned about the economy. And some are under financial pressure because of inflation which, by the way, is the same in European countries although inflation has significantly dropped. And …

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