10 cat behaviours showing appreciation. Infographic.

Our bonding with the domestic cat is the result of a remarkable interspecies human-to-cat relationship. We can’t expect the cat to express their appreciation for our loving caregiving in our way. They show it differently; indirectly in ten ways as illustrated in the infographic below. It is nice to remind ourselves that this is …

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Why young kittens raised by humans can become strongly bonded to their caregiver throughout their life

Why young kittens raised by humans can become strongly bonded to their caregiver throughout their life

I’m referring to those quite rare situations when a person nurses and raises a very young kitten within the first few weeks of life and then lives with that cat when they become an adult. Under the circumstances it is not uncommon for the adult cat to be extremely closely bonded to their human …

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How to tell if a blind cat is asleep or awake (✿◡‿◡)

Telling if a blind cat who has lost their eyes is asleep or awake

I’d never thought of this before. I am not even sure it is a great topic for discussion but it caught my eye in TikTok because it is unusual. Normally the main way you can tell if a cat is asleep is because their eyes are closed (❤️ ω ❤️). For blind cats that …

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Why does a cat roll over to lie on their back when they see you? Infographic.

Why does a cat roll over to lie on their back when they see you? Infographic.

The infographic explains! 😻 No need to add a lot of extra words. This is a quick read which is what internet users like nowadays. When a cat does this their tail might twitch a little to indicate a little uncertainty. They are in a vulnerable position thanks to their trust in their caregiver. …

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Anticipatory grief on the imagined passing of your cat companion

Anticipatory grief for our cat companion occurs when we have suffered grief on the passing of a beloved pet under certain circumstances and we can foresee the same with our present cat companion or dog if the same circumstances seem likely to recur.

This is an emotion I have felt but never labelled. Now I know what it is: anticipatory grief. It’s another emotion to deal with when you foresee the loss of a beloved companion. Sandra McCune, visiting Professor in human-animal interaction in the schools of psychology and life sciences at the University of Lincoln, England …

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Why does my cat lick me?

Generous Cat

For me the answer to the question, “why does my cat lick me?” mainly comes from personal observation. Mother-kitten relationship My cat looks upon me as a mother cat. All domestic cats do the same. Our cats are kept in a state of perpetual kittenhood with us as we provide for them and unwittingly …

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