Wedge cats tour “Show Us Your Cats” is a spanking success

Show us your cats at the Wedge

Initially, this was quite mystifying to me but I finally worked it out 😻. It concerns a place in Minneapolis referred to as the “Wedge”. The name comes from an area of Minneapolis which is wedge-shaped and which is the Lowry Hill East neighbourhood. I believe they have formed a cooperative in that area …

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Why do people like cats?


This is a tricky question to answer precisely but I’ll have a go. Please share your views and comments. The love of cats is called ailurophilia. And a person who loves cats is called an ailurophile. Although we are talking here about people who like cats. Many famous people have liked cats. I can …

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Between 30% and 50% of partners prefer their pet to their partner

Up to 50% women or men prefer their pet to their partner

You will see various statistics on this topic. All are interesting and perhaps a little shocking. My quick research indicated that between about 30% and about 50% of people in a relationship with another person prefer their cat or dog companion compared to their human partner. One website’s article from 2022 refers to a …

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Impressive protest for justice outside Australian court for tortured cat Brandy and tougher punishments for animal abusers

Great team at Vigil For Brandy The Cat today! "We had Channel 7 and Daily Mail Australia coverage." - organiser

NEWS AND OPINION: The video explains the alleged crime. It is a good video as it covers all the points. Briefly it is about two boys who allegedly abducted a 17-year-old ginger tabby cat outside the cat’s home with, apparently, the intention of killing her with a baseball bat. A level of wickedness which …

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Cat lover Pope Benedict XVI was misunderstood

Pope Benedict XVI and a black cat

Pope Benedict XVI was the head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 19 April 2005 until his resignation on 28 February 2013. Joseph Ratzinger, a cardinal before it became Pope Benedict XVI, was an academic and philosopher. He chose to take the route of academia and then to …

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123 celebrated ailurophiles (cat lovers)

A young Elizabeth Taylor and a kitten

Here are 123 celebrity ailurophiles. That long word means cat lover as you probably know. Ailurophilia is a derivative and means the love of cats. Many famous people especially authors can be described as genuine ailurophiles. “You haven’t lived until you have lived with a cat” – Doris Day Brian Aldiss (1) to Emile …

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Meta’s research on cat and dog people

Yesterday was International Cat Day 2022 and in honour of this day, I’m going to refer to Meta’s research on cat and dog people, which was conducted on August 7, 2016, one day before International Cat Day 2016. Facebook is in an enviable position when it comes to analysing people because they have billions …

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