INFOGRAPHIC Agenda-driven research claims women were the primary hunters in hunter-gatherer societies?

Agenda-driven research claims women were the primary hunters in hunter-gatherer societies?
Agenda-driven research claims women were the primary hunters in hunter-gatherer societies?

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My infographic summarises a dispute between two professors; one a Professor of Biology (Cara Wall-Scheffler) and the other a Professor of Anthropology (Vivek Venkataraman).

Cara claims that in reviewing the accounts of anthropologists from the 1800s it was clear to her that women hunted in 79% of modern hunter-gatherer societies. I’ll presume that these are societies that existed 5,000 to 10,000 years ago in Europe. This upends the conventional view that men are the primary hunters or uniquely the hunters in these ancient societies and to think otherwise would be a great dent in the ego of men 😢😃.

Cara’s claim is rejected by Vivek who argues that Cara has an agenda. He said that her study was ‘agenda-driven [which] seems to be an attempt to project modern concepts of gender and labour on to these foraging societies’.

Is he suggesting that Cara is a feminist trying to rewrite ancient history and thereby undermine the status and standing of the male of the species in 2024? 😹

A lot of men pride themselves in being great hunters. This claim will hurt macho men. But that said there are some highly committed female sport and trophy hunters who get a thrill from killing iconic African animals. But they were probably taught by their loving dad who wanted to hand down this cruel pastime.

It seems that Cara wants to re-write the classic narrative that men are aggressive, strong and therefore dominant today. To me this is an attempt by a distinguished biology professor to speed up the fight for equality between the sexes which is no bad thing.

It is still a man’s world which is wrong. Look at what men are currently doing to the world: destabilizing it and making people fearful of the future with a possible WW3 on the horizon.

Big cats

My theory is that when the aforesaid hunter gatherers exited there were lions in Europe. They had to defend themselves. This has fed through to today when people believe big cats roam England and many people are still frightened of domestic cats. Funny that big cats are frightened of humans.

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