This is an infographic guide for cat sh*t shovelers 😎😒. Full-time indoor cats and some indoor/outdoor cats use litter trays. A great opportunity for their caregiver to inspect the stool (faeces) which is good because it helps keep a handle on cat health. They (the amateur experts) say that if a cat goes to the toilet outside it does not afford the caregiver the opportunity to check their faeces. This is a potential oversight. I agree. Sadly, at present I don’t check my cat’s stool as he goes outside. This infographic provides some pointers on the causes of diarrhoea, which as you know is a symptom of illness and not an illness per se. The usual warning needs to be given namely that there is no substitute for taking your cat to a good vet when needs must. The source of the information is good; four vets: Delbert Carlson DVM, his daughter Liisa D. Carlson DVM, James M. Giffin MD and Debra M. Eldredge DVM.

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