Infectious diseases in domestic cats. Overview. Infographic.

I think it is always useful for people who are new to cat caregiving to quickly check over what is meant by an infectious disease. When domestic cats get ill it is most likely to be because of a bacterial and/or viral infection. Perhaps the most common is the URI – upper respiratory infection …

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Link between dirty air and more veterinary visits for your cat or dog

PM 2.5 pollutants harm cats and dogs too

There is a link, as confirmed by a study, between living in a place where the air is dirty i.e. polluted and increased veterinary visits for cats and dogs. This is unsurprising because we know that polluted air causes health problems for people so why not for pets? I guess it just needed to …

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Cat’s medical treatment not going as planned? Get a second opinion.

It is wise and sensible to sometimes seeks a second veterinarian opinion if your cats medical treatment is not going according to plan

This is another story illustrating the advantage of seeking a second battery opinion (see earlier story). It is an important subject I feel. Perhaps we sometimes rely too heavily on our vet to get things right every time. If treatment does not go as planned and our cat does not get better we might …

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Cat Urinary Infection Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Cat Urinary Infection Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Urinary tract infections in cats, or cat UTIs, are quite common and troublesome for your cat. Symptoms can include frequent urination, pain during urination, blood in the urine, or even behavioral changes like urinating outside the litter box. UTIs in cats are often caused by bacteria migrating into the bladder. They are particularly common …

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Can an indoor cat get worms?

Parasitic worm

Yes, is the answer to the question. Please read on. This is a complete page. The question asks whether a full-time indoor cat can become infested with parasitic worms which are called endoparasites. And the answer must be that they can but the chances of them becoming infested must be significantly lower than if …

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Infographic on changes in your cat indicating health issues and at home health checks

Infographic on changes to cat's behavior in various ways and what they might mean in terms of health

My thanks to a veterinarian who many admire and to whom we owe a debt because of his great books on all aspects of the domestic cat: Dr Bruce Fogle DVM. I think it is useful to have some straightforward guidelines on detecting possible cat health issues through changes in their activities, demeanour, breathing, …

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Can cats be bipolar?

Feline Mental Health

Can domestic cats suffer from bipolar disorder? A lot of websites answer the question. They seem to be saying, anecdotally, that domestic cats can suffer from this condition. But I seriously doubt that they are correct. What is bipolar disorder? It’s a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings. The episodes of extreme …

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Infographic on osteoarthritis in domestic cats (plus more)

Infographic on osteoarthritis in older cats

Thanks to advances in nutrition and veterinary medicine plus the advantages to health when living full-time indoors, domestic cats nowadays are living longer. There are probably more elderly cats today than there were in the past. VCA Hospitals say “The population of senior and geriatric cats is increasing”. Therefore, there are more older cats …

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