This is a further and final follow-up post in the saga of Joe Exotic’s trial for a federal murder-four-hire plot to kill Carole Baskin, the Big Cat Rescue founder, last year. His real name is Joseph Maldonado-Passage.

The online news media (and me!) can happily report that he has been found guilty as charged, namely to pay someone to kill Carole Baskin in Florida because she had criticised his treatment of animals.
Joe Exotic was incensed with Carole Baskin’s criticism which, incidentally, was justified. A significant part of the evidence against him came from an FBI agent who posed as an undercover hitman. Joe Exotic wanted a hitman to kill Carole Baskin.
The evidence against him also included a dozen videos on Facebook posts of him threatening to kill the Big Cat Rescue founder.
“You want to know why Carole Baskin better never, ever, ever see me face-to-face ever, ever, ever again?”
These are the words of Joe Exotic in a video clip before he shoots a blowup ‘Carole’ doll in the head with a revolver. He made it clear in the video that he was sick and tired of the woman.
Baskin told jurors at the trial that the threats against her forced her to obtain a permit to carry a concealed revolver at all times to protect herself. She felt that her life was in constant danger.
“I believe that he blames me for everything that’s gone wrong in his life.”
Baskin had been using her best efforts to stop Joe Exotic from owning tiger cubs and using (abusing) them in a show that he ran. Mr Exotic was also found guilty at the same trial of killing tigers and selling cubs.
PETA are understandably delighted and praised the convictions in a statement saying that he was a “notorious animal abuser and a primary supplier of big cat cubs for the cub-petting industry”. They said that they had succeeded in the past in removing from Mr Exotic’s private zoo many animals: 39 tigers, three bears, two baboons and two chimpanzees.
Exotic is a terrible man, a terrible animal abuser and is expected to be sentenced to a long prison term.
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Finally. This guy is one cruel and scary mess. 😠😱