Laser Surgery for Declawing Cats

by Thompson’s

Photo collage added by Michael - laser photo by orsorama (Flickr) - modified.

Photo collage added by Michael - laser photo by orsorama (Flickr) - modified.

I already know that cat lovers and animal lovers, for the most part, do not support the declawing of cats. I've watched the videos, heard the horror stories and discussed the subject with many. Truly, I have seen some awful things and realize what declawing means.

I would like, not to throw stones at either side, but to make a few statements concerning the use of Lasers in any kind of pet surgeries..including declawing. I am one who did have our cat declawed by a highly reputable vet with vast laser surgery experience. It cost much more than the traditional declawing but expense was no issue. After speaking with others who had also had their cats declawed by laser and much research, we had our cat declawed.

Our dear one was home in less than 24 hours, had no bleeding and was running the same day. There was no pain and she, after 3 years, has had no problems.

All I say is, if you do have your cat declawed...please consider laser surgery. You will be pleased and your cat will not suffer.


Laser Surgery for Declawing Cats to Declawing Cats

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Laser Surgery for Declawing Cats

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Mar 04, 2011 Greg
by: Angel O

Well Old Greg you take the biscuit for your rudeness and nastiness too.
Anyone disrespecting Michael is not welcome here.
Go and bite a few trees yourself or better still talk to some as they have much more sense than you and you might learn some manners from them.

Mar 04, 2011 Old Greg are you mad or bad?
by: Bert T

In this day and age of so many senseless killings it disgusts me that you talk so flippantly of wanting to kill a genuine and much respected man.
Take a long hard look at yourself because you are either bad or mad.
Get help quickly whichever you are!!!!

Mar 03, 2011 Old Greg
by: Maggie

If I had a gun with two bullets in a room with you, Hitler and Osama Bin Laden, I'd give a bullet to Hitler and a bullet to Bin Laden, and I'd leave it up to them to sort you out.

Mar 03, 2011 You rude arrogant freak!
by: Leah (England)

Who gives a damn about the photo?! Here we are trying to seriously debate declawing and you come on here out of the Blue and have a go at the owner of the website! Theres nothing wrong with the photo you freak! Just crawl back into your cave you flamin neanderthal!

Mar 03, 2011 Declawing by any method is wrong
by: Michele S

Old Greg - I have no idea why you feel the need to make such a vile comment to Michael. If you're that incensed by the photos then I suggest you turn your venom upon the vets who routinely declaw cats.

Here in Europe our vets decided a long time ago that declawing was both cruel and unnecessary. I'm surprised that so many vets in North America prefer to pretend otherwise. Why anyone would choose to utilise the services of a vet who puts their bank account ahead of patient welfare is beyond me. Then again, perhaps those same people already put their own convenience ahead of their own cat's health and happiness. If that's the case then I just don't understand why they bother getting a cat in the first place.

Mar 03, 2011 Old Greg
by: Anonymous

Hey old man that's not on!
This web site belongs to the man you are wanting to kill so get lost.

Mar 03, 2011 Old Greg
by: Edward

Man you are a disgrace to your fellow men.
Talking so lightly of weapons to kill with simply because you dont like a picture.
Youd do well to strive to be as gentlemanly as Michael is.

Mar 03, 2011 Greg is a Troll!
by: Gail (Boston, USA)

Sounds like old Greg is nothing more than a TROLL; most likely, some kid with too much time on his/her hands. If, indeed, Greg is old, then he needs a home right quick!

Mar 03, 2011 Old Greg
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Is this your usual way of entering somebody's home? If so, it's no wonder if everybody shuns you. Bye.

Finn Frode avatar

Mar 03, 2011 To Old Greg
by: Ted

Short and sweet
BUZZ OFF to the nearest psychiatric hospital where you belong.

Mar 03, 2011 Old Greg
by: Godimugly

not funny at all - that sort of thing isn't on and isn't welcome in todays world - too much talk of guns and too many people shot - michael's alright so sod off and leave him alone

Mar 03, 2011 Good day to you too Old Greg
by: Rose

You stupid idiot,you've picked on the wrong person by writing your spiteful spiel to the man we all look up to with admiration.
You are not fit to lick his boots.
Either you are a childish troll or you are someone who should be should be locked up for your own safety.

Mar 03, 2011 To Old Greg
by: Ruth

Old Greg, how dare you talk like that to Michael who is a talented, kind, generous, caring gentleman !
Even if you are truly old it's still no excuse for such downright nastiness !
You have no idea what photo editing is !
I think the picture to this article says it all about the cruel surgery called declawing.
What rubbish you talk about taking bites out of a tree and shooting people.
Read it back to yourself, you sound quite insane !
Good day to YOU too and I hope you never return to this web site where we come to meet like minded people who love cats and who are not bitter and nasty people like you are.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Mar 03, 2011 To Old Greg
by: Barbara

I don't know who you are but I'll tell you this for nothing, you'd have to shoot a hell of a lot of Michael's friends too because we'd all stand there right in front of him before we'd let you hurt him. I'd like to suggest you see a psychiatrist asap because with thoughts like that you need help.

Mar 03, 2011 BEWBIES
by: Old Greg

Micheal I am appalled by your photo editing, I think that you should take a huge bite out of the nearest tree. I think that cats can use photshop, better than you. If I had a gun with tw o bullets in a room with you hitler and osama bin laden, i would shoot you twice. GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR!

Mar 03, 2011 BEWBIES
by: Old Greg

Micheal I am appalled by your photo editing, I think that you should take a huge bite out of the nearest tree. I think that cats can use photshop, better than you. If I had a gun with tw o bullets in a room with you hitler and osama bin laden, i would shoot you twice. GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR!

Aug 20, 2010 News flash for anonymous
by: Fran

You are certifiably sick in the mind if you condone the crippling of cats for any reason at all.
Added proof of this is your childish attack on the knowledgeable people who visit this site in the hopes of stopping more people from ruining their cats lives.
In case you are interested,the number of people against declawing is growing daily.
So you see most people are unkind out of ignorance.
There is no excuse for those like you who now know how cruel declawing is yet carry on condoning it happening.

Aug 20, 2010 Grow up Anonymous
by: Ruth

Your words 'A freaking loony bin' tell us we are right about the sort of person you are.An on the defensive cowardly anonymous because you know we are right and you are wrong! Typically you resort to insults and slang rather than admit declawing is uneccessary and cruel.
As Maggie said, yes you did come to the right site but unfortunately you are obviously too closed minded to be educated as to the truth by us.
If you have read that truth and looked at the pictures of suffering cats then it's YOU who needs medication.
Too much time on our hands? That's the joke of the century. Most of us go out to work, have family responsibilities, our own pets, AND spend what little free time we have trying to educate people like YOU who are the ones allowing the pre meditated abuse of cats to continue.
I think you should book YOUR place in the nearest loony bin as you obviously have no humanity or compassion and therefore must be one very sick person.

Aug 19, 2010 Yes, you did come to the right site
by: Maggie Sharp

This site is full of education and advice, Anonymous. Click on the 'Declawing' tab on the left and you'll have EVERYTHING there is to know about declawing at your finger tips.

We aren't the looneys, as we are the ones trying to stop the declawing torture. Basically all of us live in one of the 38 countries who have banned declawing, I myself am in Australia, whereas the majority of others are in the UK. Our communities live every single day with cats who have claws, and we don't have the problems told by pro declaws and declaw vets, which is exactly how we know that it's all lies.

So who are you going to seek advice from, us? Who live with fully clawed cats, in countries which have already banned the torture. Or the vets? Who rip you off by crippling your cat, ensuring that you'll have no choice but to keep taking your disabled animal back to them due to physical and behavioural issues, resulting with the vet having a fat wallet. Declawing is a scam, the vets want nothing more than your money.

Aug 19, 2010 Did I come to the right site?
by: Anonymous

I came to this site for advise/education...but I feel like a stepped into a freaking loony bin with all of these bickering comments. You people have way too much time on your hands and should seriously think about getting medicated.

Aug 18, 2010 Different ????
by: Lynda

Yes anonymous everyones different alright but every cat isn't different,they all feel pain and fear and in that declawing takes away their toe ends and leaves them with stumps of flesh covered bone.
Some of those bone stumps eventually poke out through the flesh because cats were never meant to walk on those bones.They were meant to walk on their toes.
Digitigrade,get it?
Would you like your feet amputated and to walk on the bones at the bottom of your legs?
So think on next time you feel like lecturing people to be calm and kind and remember just what declawing does to cats.

Aug 17, 2010 Declawing
by: Maggie Sharp

Firstly, I second everything Leah said in her comment earlier! In Australia declawing is also illegal. And take it from me, no one who declaws cats is welcome upon Aussie soil!

I would rather have my arms and legs teared to ribbons and my eyes raked out before I considered declawing. In fact, my cat's claws could take my life and that still wouldn't be any reason to put him through the torture of declawing!

Anonymous, you talk about how everyone has the right to their own opinions and beliefs. Did you ever stop to think that maybe the cats have their own opinions? That maybe, just maybe, they don't want to be crippled? Everyone is always thinking about themselves, as humans. Well, STOP! Think about the cats!!

Aug 17, 2010 Like banging you head against a wall!
by: Leah

Heck what do we have to say to get through to these people!

Anonymous 1, 2 & 3 or however many there are of you now. I'm so sick of all the excuses! We have clawed cats here in England! Believe it or not we have children here! We have old people with thin skin! Hey guess what! we have cats too and even BETTER we have cats with claws! and to date I've not heard of any of these agressive beasts clawing to shreds our younger or older generation! For pitys sake you are WRONG! These agressive cats you talk about are probably that way because of what they've suffered at the hands of humans and now you want to de-claw them too!

Your 'reasons' are nothing more than pathetic excuses! To countries that don't declaw you come across as a nation of barbaric animal abusers! Get real! It's not right and it never will be! and you will never convince us otherwise so go tell it all to someone stupid enough to believe it, just as you are all stupid enough to believe your vets! They are making a fortune from you by crippling your cats! Oh and by the way try using a name it will lend you so much more credibility! Hey here's a little secret it doesn't have to be your own; it can be anyones! Ronald Regan for all we care but look 'Anonymous' is just so cowardly just like the cowards that hide their insecurities and shortcomings by mutilating Gods defenceless creatures.

Aug 17, 2010 Laser Declaw? Nope!
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

To all of the 'Anonymous' posters out there...quit trolling, please. Calm enough for you? Declawing a cat, by the very nature of its name, is taking away something that came with the cat. I live here in the Boston area and I guarantee you that eventually those of us of like mind will get this declaw ban passed...the same way we got the devocalization ban passed - one fight at a time.

There is no justification on this earth for declawing a cat. I won't bother to repeat the reasons - look it up within this site, with plenty of graphic videos to boot. If a cat had a serious medical issue, say cancer, for instance in the digitrade area, odds are there would be an amputation not a declaw. That being said, cats can get along quite well without a limb (to save its life), but a cat cannot function properly without their claws. It's no different than having your own feet cut off - you cannot walk properly on stumps - you cannot balance yourself, you cannot stretch properly, you would go through severe's no different.

No vet in their right mind would do a declaw. A number of vets in the USA are now discontinuing the procedure, thankfully.

If your cat is 'maiming' people, there is something wrong with the human caretakers. It all comes from the home; therefore, I suggest you surrender your feline to a no-kill shelter for rehoming. It's really that simple.

Aug 17, 2010 To the latest anonymous commenter
by: Barbara

Actually we DO have to scream and fight our way into people's beliefs systems if they are under the mistaken belief that declawing is anything but cruel, inhumane, unnecessary, selfish and cowardly. Declawing cats is abuse, and I think any decent person would scream out about that wouldn't they? Or would you watch an animal or child being abused and excuse yourself from stopping it by using the lame excuse that everyone is different?
In a lot of subjects there is room for debate, there may be black, white and shades of grey too, but not in this case, how can amputating the toe ends of an animal that actually walks on the toes and so causing them extreme pain and trauma be anything but an abomination? Have you seen this page with the x-rays of a declawed cat's deformed paws?

Barbara avatar

Aug 17, 2010 Anonymous what planet do you live on?
by: Mel

Talk calmly and share our beliefs,what planet do you live on?
It takes more than taking calmly and sharing our beliefs to convince pro declaws to realise how cruel axing cats toe ends off is.It takes more than talking calmly and sharing our beliefs to penetrate the minds of the cruel idiots who put their furniture before their cats welfare.They don't give a damn how cats suffer as long as their furniture is pristine.
We've tried nice and if you think we are not nice now then tough because we will do whatever it takes to stop lunatics from paying butchers to mutilate their cats.
If they are so insensitive they still don't get it that it's agony and crippling for the cats then the only way to save cats from that torment is by getting declawing banned.
It's people like you who make it imperative that we do just that.

Aug 17, 2010 You are the crazy one
by: Kathryn

Everyone believes different things about EVERYTHING....pets, surgeries, people, meat, plants, air, ....GEESH

Is that you talking calmly and sharing your beliefs in a kind way?If it is then God help you hah
You talk of the craziness of anti declaw folk,but I've got news for you,it's you who is crazy.
Crazy enough to think that there is ever a reason for cats to suffer TEN AMPUTATIONS or sometimes even EIGHTEEN.
Come on then what is a reason?I don't know of a single one.
How do you think people cope where declawing is banned?How come they don't have a reason?
ROFLOL that you say we all love our cats,NO anonymous WE love our cats,we who wouldn't ever contemplate unneccessary surgery on them.We who think it's wrong that anyone has the power to do that to another sentient being.
Maybe sometimes we do get a bit over heated but we are up against such idiots and cat abusers that can you wonder?Sometimes there is no other way to get through to the single brain cell those condoning cat abuse have.
Crawl back under your stone with the other anonymous minority and do some research on declawing,just like we have.
Don't come again with your holier than thou anonymous rantings,we are so NOT impressed.

Aug 17, 2010 To the latest cowardly anonymous
by: Ruth

You surely can't expect anyone to pay much attention to your opinion when you hide behind anonymous! Have the courage of your convictions and give your name as we do, or at least some initials to identify you from the rest of the cowards hiding behind anonymous too.
You say you don't condone declawing yet there is sometimes a need. NO anonymous there is NEVER EVER a need. You obviously haven't read these pages very closely or you would know there is NO justification for amputating a cat's healthy toe ends. You would know that 38 countries call it animal abuse and that mainly only vets in the USA and Canada abuse cats this way.
I'm afraid it's YOU and the pitiful few others who condone declawing who come across as crazy.
I mean how crazy is it that you would wish this on ANY cat:

Have a good look at those poor cats, see the agony and shock they suffer and the tell me there is sometimes a need for doing that.
Then tell us that yes, we who know how cruel declawing is really ARE the intelligent ones.
It's YOU who is crazy if you think we enjoy spending our time trying to educate ignorant fools or those who couldn't care less that cats suffer.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Aug 16, 2010 Everyone's Different
by: Anonymous

My goodness, I came on here just to read about a few things and stumbled upon this craziness about declawing cats. If we didn't all love our cats, we wouldn't have them, so can't you all just calm down? Everyone believes different things about EVERYTHING....pets, surgeries, people, meat, plants, air, ....GEESH!! The person with the original comment wasn't attacking anyone and then all sorts of people start attacking him! When it comes down to it, no one knows what others' experiences are....what their exact reasons are for doing things. I don't believe in declawing for most situations...but there are some that need it. Why does everyone have to attack everyone else?? We are the intelligent ones, right? Please behave as intelligent beings and stop trying to scream and yell and fight YOUR way into someone else's belief really only makes the yellers look like they are lunatics....not caring animal lovers and owners. And when you decide to attack me now, you will just continue to be unheard by others...but cause them to NOT listen to you if and when you can talk calmly and share your beliefs in a kind way.
Thanks for listening.

Aug 16, 2010 Everyone's Different
by: Anonymous

My goodness, I came on here just to read about a few things and stumbled upon this craziness about declawing cats. If we didn't all love our cats, we wouldn't have them, so can't you all just calm down? Everyone believes different things about EVERYTHING....pets, surgeries, people, meat, plants, air, ....GEESH!! The person with the original comment wasn't attacking anyone and then all sorts of people start attacking him! When it comes down to it, no one knows what others' experiences are....what their exact reasons are for doing things. I don't believe in declawing for most situations...but there are some that need it. Why does everyone have to attack everyone else?? We are the intelligent ones, right? Please behave as intelligent beings and stop trying to scream and yell and fight YOUR way into someone else's belief really only makes the yellers look like they are lunatics....not caring animal lovers and owners. And when you decide to attack me now, you will just continue to be unheard by others...but cause them to NOT listen to you if and when you can talk calmly and share your beliefs in a kind way.
Thanks for listening.

Aug 15, 2010 Even if it wasn't painful........
by: Leah

Anonymous; I'm not going to bother insulting you because you're just not worth the energy, I'm just going to give you the facts because even if it wasn't painful there's still other massive reasons not to declaw;

1. You are taking your cats front line defence. Please don't give me that crap about 'they never go out'. Its already been mentioned many times; if a burglar comes in he can do exactly what he wants to your cat and I don't need to spell it out do I? EXACTLY what he wants; read the news. Your cat cannot even defend himself. If he gets out he can't even run up a tree away from a dog; yup he'd be torn to bits.

2. Your cat cannot stretch. This is essential for him to remain healthy. Imagine if you could never take proper exercise? You'd be riddled with Arthritis just as your cat will be one day (if he isn't already).

3. As someone has already said he will be in pain for the rest of his life even though he won't show it. Because YOU are forcing him to walk in an unatural way.

4. Again as already mentioned he may get a splinter of bone of a partial claw grow back which could work its way into whats left of his pad. Excruciating for him.

So some of these atrocities are certainties; they WILL happen. Some, if your lucky won't such as your cat being savaged or tortured by an intruder but how does it make you feel knowing that you YES YOU! (if that ever did happen) have taken away his only chance of survival!?

Now theres about 16 or 17 DIFFERENT people on here trying to tell you that what you have done or about to do is wrong. Do you think we have nothing better to do? Think about it; there's you and Thompson or other and 16 or 17 others. Yes you're entitled to your opinion but you are very very wrong and what's even worse is that you would horribly mutilate your cat to prove a point wouldn't you? No you don't love your cat, you can't possibly.

Oh and by the way the reason why you get so many insults is because there are a lot of true cat lovers on here; passionate people who know right from wrong who get dammed frustated when you ignore factual information after it's shoved right under your bloody nose!! Yes you would rather believe a butcher just because they also happen to be a vet. They're laughing at you pal! They'll tell you anything then they will mutilate your cat then laugh all the way to the bank.

Aug 15, 2010 Anonymous is brainless
by: Petra

It isn't a case that our skins are thicker, we're just as prone to being scratched accidentally as anyone in the US is and we love nice furniture that is not tattered. We just can't understand, comprehend, get our heads around, the fact that anyone in their right mind would deliberately set out to get a cat, knowing the cat had claws, and then bleat and whine if they get scratched or their furniture gets scratched. Surely to God it isn't too difficult to buy a scratching post or two and show the cat what do do with them, or it shouldn't be. But some US citizens in their arrogance assume the right to decide that a cat shouldn't have toe ends with claws attached, and some greedy immoral veterinarians pander to their selfish whims and amputate said toe ends and claws, for a hefty sum of course.
There is a lot wrong with England but one thing that is RIGHT is that it is illegal to declaw cats and anyone who cares too much about their possessions or their miserable skin has to either lump it or not have a cat.

What is so hard to understand about those choices?

Anonymous you are a waste of space, please go and boil your empty head. Asap!

Aug 15, 2010 In Reality IS There Anything Positive about Declawing?
by: Jo Singer

I just don't get it. Cats come with claws. It is just a fact of life. It takes so little time to acclimate a cat to having nails trimmed. Our cats lay on their back on my lap and purr while I am trimming their nails.. as if to say "mommy, we are so happy that you are trimming those long tips so we don't get stuck on anything". Sure I know that cats can purr for self calming, but our cats are happy to have their manicure, and receive their yummy treat when we are finished. Cat lovers know when their cats are frightened and tense, and ours simply enjoy the attention and the little foot massages as well.

How can people that claim that they love cats subject their cats to a brutal and inhumane excrusciatingly painful surgery which is totally unneccessary? With all the alternatives available today, it is just plain laziness on the part of cat OWNERS as far as I am concerned, to not learn how to trim nails. Good grief!!

Cats suffer extreme pain post surgery and this pain can linger for the entire life of the cat no matter HOW the surgery is done.

It really makes me wonder how the residents of the 37 plus countries around the world that have already banned the surgery (as it is considered cruelty to animals) get along so well with cats that have their claws and don't seem to have the problems that folks in the USA claim to have.

As I wrote to a dear friend, perhaps their skin is thicker, not prone to being scratched accidentally, and love furniture that is tattered.

Purrsonally, I would far prefer to own a "tattered" sofa and know that my cats will never suffer the outrageous pain of declaw surgery.

If possessions are more important than the happy and pain-free life of a cat, why don't folks get a realistic toy cat to adorn their magnificent sofa... as far as I am concerned. It is a lot less expensive too, and they don't shed.

Aug 15, 2010 Its you who is incorrect
by: Mel

I can't believe any sane person could write such drivel,you must be a troll.
You don't seem to know if your cat was mutilated already,you talk about him being as happy as a clam since he's declawed but then you ask where you can get him declawed.
What a snivelling coward,scared of a cat with claws and your poor friends getting attacked.
If they are cat abusers like you are they deserve to be scratched.
If you think we are impressed with your stupidity and your claim you love cats think again,we are merely laughing at the idiot you are.

Aug 15, 2010 Are you for real ?
by: Ruth

You are totally stupid. Yesterday you came on here and asked where to get a cat declawed in Boston. Today you come back on and say you had your cat declawed and then immediately contradict yourself again by saying if anyone knows of a laser declaw vet in Boston as you and your cat could use the help .....
Is your cat declawed or isn't he ????
A cat maiming your friends !!!! MAIMING ??? hahahaaa we are talking about a little furry creature and not a huge lion or tiger aren't we ? Declawing saved his life, don't make me laugh, that poor cat would have been better off rehomed as a healthy cat than crippled and doomed to life with YOU who contradicts himself and asks about a vet to declaw a cat he's already said he had declawed.
He's as happy as a clam you say, well so are you because you live in cuckoo land !!
You don't love animals and don't tell us to spare you our advice, you came on here and asked for it didn't you!
What idiot would come on a page full of comments about the cruelty of declawing and ask to be recommended to a vet who declaws ? Especially as you don't seem to know if your cat is declawed or not.....
As for trimming claws,you only need some decent scratching posts and pads and cats take care of their own manicures.
So stop wasting our time,we prefer to talk to people who at least know what day it is and if their cat is declawed or not !

Aug 15, 2010 Nonsense
by: Barbara

No, I'm afraid this doesn't make any sense at all, because you say declawing saved his life and he is as happy as a clam and yet you're asking for a vet in Boston who will declaw, so you're talking in past tense and future tense about the same thing!
No cat "needs" to be declawed, it is the owner who "needs" educating and you certainly sound as though you need it, you think you had no choice but of course you did, if you lived in one of the 38 countries where declawing is outlawed because it is so damned cruel the option of declawing would never even have entered your stupid head.
If your cat is "maiming" your family and friends then I question how that cat is being treated and what is making the cat so aggressive. The way you describe the cat "freaking out" it wouldn't surprise me if declawing actually killed the poor creature from shock and pain.
Don't come on here trying to justify yourself and your "ethics" you HAVE no ethics otherwise you wouldn't think that declawing a cat - for ANY reason was remotely acceptable.

Barbara avatar

Aug 15, 2010 Actually no you could not be more incorrect
by: Anonymous

Actually, you are the ones that are sick. I have always been anti-declaw but have no choice in this matter. One of my cats, and I have had several with claws, needed to be declawed as he has behavorial problems and was maiming my family and friends. The vet could not
trim his nails b/c he would freak out so badly and his tongue would turn blue as he was almost in cardia arrest. So declawing actually saved his life and he is just as happy as a clam.
Spare your judgements and attacks on my ethics and love of animals. You have no idea about me of my situation.
If anyone knows a laser place in Boston, please pass on as I and my cat, could use the help. Thanks

Aug 15, 2010 To the troll or idiot
by: Rose

You are beneath contempt.
If you are a troll and think it's funny to mutilate cats then you need urgent psychiatric help.
If you are a cruel'owner'seriously wanting to pay a butcher disguised as a vet to butcher your cat then you don't need psychiatric help.You need ALL your extremities amputated so you can experience just what your cat would go through.
And I mean ALL!
Count me in Maggie!

Aug 15, 2010 To the latest anonymous
by: Ruth

You say
'This was helpful. What vets do laser declaw in Boston? I need to find one'

I take it that having read of the agony cats suffer and the dreadful outcome of declawing on the cats lives, it's not that you want your cat declawed, it's that you want to go and punch the lights out of the corrupt vets in Boston who abuse cats this way?
Am I correct ?
If I'm not correct then you must be still be very ignorant about this cruel operation,so maybe you should try it for yourself so you can see that we are telling the truth about the seriousness of declawing.
There will be a bit of a difference though Mr/Ms anonymous as you would have to sign a consent form. Cats can't do that, their selfish,ignorant owners do it on their behalf. It stands to reason no cat would consent to having his toe ends amputated and living life as a cripple, would he !
But in your case you'd be nursed afterwards, you wouldn't have to walk on your throbbing stumps or use them to cover your own excreta.So you see it wouldn't be as bad for you as it is for cats.
I'm in England but I could soon fly over to Australia and assist Maggie,in fact there would be thousands of us awaiting you. and you'd be shown no mercy.
So if you are contemplating paying a corrupt vet to ruin your cats life then think again, put yourself in your cats place because if you don't, your KARMA will catch up with you one day and you will be made to pay in one way or another.

Aug 15, 2010 To Anonymous
by: Barbara

You're either an idiot troll because having read our comments against declawing you're trying to stir up trouble, or you are worse than that, you are a cruel, ignorant and selfish cat owner (yes owner because you obviously think the cat is your property)who wants information where to take your cat to be mutilated. Either way you're a sick moron. I sincerely hope you take the advice given in the previous post by Maggie, she will have many willing helpers when she operates on you.
As another piece of advice I'd like you to copy and paste this link into your browser and see what the declawing you so casually mention actually does to a cat
Pay particular attention to the burned paws and the ulcerated paws please.

Barbara avatar

Aug 14, 2010 To Anonymous
by: Maggie Sharp

I'm not sure where you can get your cat declawed in Boston, but I do know of a place in Australia where can see how your cat feels and get your fingers mutilated! We offer discounts, vouchers, and gaurantee a life time of pain and disablity! You can either have your fingers chopped off, or fried off. And no one leaves without our complimentary slap in the face!

So come down under and I'll teach you a lesson or two about declawing!! You ignorant sick freak!

Aug 14, 2010 Where do they do laser declawed in Boston
by: Anonymous

Hi. This was helpful. What vets do laser declaw in Boston? I need to find one. Thanks!

Jul 16, 2010 To anonymous
by: Barbara

Anonymous, what I'd like to know is when exactly you found out that cats come with claws attached? Was it later in life? Did it come as a surprise?Did you not know about claws until you'd got yourself a cat? Hmmmm??? Because if you DID know about cats having claws and you had objections to your precious furniture being scratched WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET A CAT?

Barbara avatar

Jul 16, 2010 Anonymous...again, stupid
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Listen Anonymous, Do us all a favor, would you? Since you obvious are exceptionally selfish and highly materialistic, take your cats to the nearest NO-KILL SHELTER and surrender them. Give the felines a chance at a NORMAL life, with someone who will love them just the way they are.

The cats do not need the likes of such a shallow and soul-less individual. People like you are nothing more than a cancer on society and are a detriment to all humankind. I hope to God you do not have any children. I can just imagine how you would react when they throw up on your beloved furniture, draw with crayon on the walls, break some stupid trophy and track mud through the house. Will you euthanzie them too?

Jul 16, 2010 To Anonymous
by: Maggie Sharp

You bloody idiot, declaw or die, is that how it is? Are you so shallow, selfish, useless, ignorant and plain stupid that you value your inanimate furniture over your living breathing cat? You have got to get your priorities straight, and educate yourself. You're a fool, your selfishness and ignorance is degrading for this website, and the fine moral people who, unlike you, have the intelligence to recognise that animals are not our inferiors and deserve to be treated with the respect, love and kindness that they give us... Anyone who declaws or even considers declawing should be prosecuted and locked up for life.

I can only hope you suffer at the same fate of your cat. That would make the world a much better place...

Jul 15, 2010 Thanks for all your comments
by: Anonymous

Thanks to all your comments. Since my cats have cost me thousands due to their destructive behaviors and they tear off the soft paws immediataly I will go ahead and have my cats uthenized to appease all you people and not have them declawed.

Apr 27, 2010 Anonymous: what the heck is wrong with you!
by: Maggie Sharp

You're an idiot! "you might want to start by not overstating the negative side-effects" Overstating the negative side-effects?! Are you kidding me?! The whole thing is a bloody negative side-effect! It's the amputation of a cat's claws, it's banned in 30+ countries!! Do you think these countries would ban it if it wasn't harmful?!!! It's not an overstatement, it's the TRUTH!

I can't believe you... I've never heard such a rediculous load of crap in my life, you support such a cruel cause.. You're just as bad, if not worse, as the people who rip the life out of cats with the amputation of each claw!

Chop off your finger tips and toe tips, so you can get a weak idea of how a declawed cat feels, then come back and talk to us...

Apr 26, 2010 Anonymous...are you kidding?
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

"If you want to convince people not to declaw their cats you might want to start by not overstating the negative side-effects of the procedure so people might actually believe you instead of thinking you’re just another zealot. Keeping your cool and informing works much better then overstating the truth and insulting them."

You are joking, right? Overstating the negative side effects? Have you been listening? Have you watched the videos posted within the PoC site that give the FACTS? Those videos are not hysterical...they are factual evidence. The videos do not lie.

The contributors to this site may post with their hearts on their sleeves because they care so deeply; however, the videos are not emotional - they are what they are. For anyone to watch them and still not see the unnecessary abuse being done to animals is one without either a heart or soul or conscience.

Do you see this post as overstating the truth or being a zealot? If you do, then you do not know what the terms mean. It also means that you, like so many others, are trying to justify the horrific procedures performed on these otherwise normal animals. For that, you should be ashamed.

The shelter I volunteer with will not allow anyone to declaw their animals either...they do keep track. If someone does, they take the animal back and the abusers' name goes into a database and other shelters are notified.

We have had numerous felines surrendered to the shelter as well from people who "didn't know any better" and were puzzled that their companion suddenly displayed bad behavior. Big surprise . For those unfortunate victims of this abuse, thankfully, we have specialists who work with these felines and they are only adopted out to like-minded people who understand and know how to care for the abused cat.

Apr 26, 2010 Anonymous...are you kidding?
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

"If you want to convince people not to declaw their cats you might want to start by not overstating the negative side-effects of the procedure so people might actually believe you instead of thinking you’re just another zealot. Keeping your cool and informing works much better then overstating the truth and insulting them."

You are joking, right? Overstating the negative side effects? Have you been listening? Have you watched the videos posted within the PoC site that give the FACTS? Those videos are not hysterical...they are factual evidence. The videos do not lie.

The contributors to this site may post with their hearts on their sleeves because they care so deeply; however, the videos are not emotional - they are what they are. For anyone to watch them and still not see the unnecessary abuse being done to animals is one without either a heart or soul or conscience.

Do you see this post as overstating the truth or being a zealot? If you do, then you do not know what the terms mean. It also means that you, like so many others, are trying to justify the horrific procedures performed on these otherwise normal animals. For that, you should be ashamed.

The shelter I volunteer with will not allow anyone to declaw their animals either...they do keep track. If someone does, they take the animal back and the abusers' name goes into a database and other shelters are notified.

We have had numerous felines surrendered to the shelter as well from people who "didn't know any better" and were puzzled that their companion suddenly displayed bad behavior. Big surprise . For those unfortunate victims of this abuse, thankfully, we have specialists who work with these felines and they are only adopted out to like-minded people who understand and know how to care for the abused cat.

Apr 26, 2010 You people are rediculous
by: Anonymous

You people are accomplishing nothing and convincing no one by these obnoxious posts. If you want to convince people not to declaw their cats you might want to start by not overstating the negative side-effects of the procedure so people might actually believe you instead of thinking you’re just another zealot. Keeping your cool and informing works much better then overstating the truth and insulting them.

Feb 15, 2010 Anonymous: Good hearted people don't declaw
by: Anonymous

Anonymous: Since when did having a loved one's toes amputated become a token of affection? Good hearted people who like animals don't declaw.

Declawing is an elective surgery that is of no benefit whatsoever to a cat. Please understand that to rob a digitgrade animal of the ends of their toes is the ultimate in cruelty. If you care as much for your cats as you say you do, you will research the subject and realise why vets in at least 38 countries refuse to perform the procedure. I'm sure you'd prefer the services of a vet who puts your pet's welfare ahead of their bank account, so change to one who does not declaw.

Michele (UK)

Feb 15, 2010 Anonymous: Good hearted people don't declaw
by: Anonymous

Anonymous: Since when did having a loved one's toes amputated become a token of affection? Good hearted people who like animals don't declaw.

Declawing is an elective surgery that is of no benefit whatsoever to a cat. Please understand that to rob a digitgrade animal of the ends of their toes is the ultimate in cruelty. If you care as much for your cats as you say you do, you will research the subject and realise why vets in at least 38 countries refuse to perform the procedure. I'm sure you'd prefer the services of a vet who puts your pet's welfare ahead of their bank account, so change to one who does not declaw.

Michele (UK)

Feb 15, 2010 Anonymous: Good hearted people don't declaw
by: Anonymous

Anonymous: Since when did having a loved one's toes amputated become a token of affection? Good hearted people who like animals don't declaw.

Declawing is an elective surgery that is of no benefit whatsoever to a cat. Please understand that to rob a digitgrade animal of the ends of their toes is the ultimate in cruelty. If you care as much for your cats as you say you do, you will research the subject and realise why vets in at least 38 countries refuse to perform the procedure. I'm sure you'd prefer the services of a vet who puts your pet's welfare ahead of their bank account, so change to one who does not declaw.

Michele (UK)

Feb 15, 2010 Put your name to your accusations at least
by: Babz

In the absence of a name I'll just call you a fool, because you obviously are so easily led that you have taken "Thompson's" ridiculous post as gospel for all it's a load of baloney and if you're actually planning on laser declawing the cats that you profess to love dearly on the strength of this then God help any animals that you hate!
The "good hearted people" you refer to are actually animal abusers who would be prosecuted for abuse in 38 countries of the world and in several cities in California for declawing a cat, you are deliberately blinding yourself to evidence which proves that declawing causes cats great pain and distress for your own convenience and to be honest I think your cats should be removed from your home because you are not fit to own a pet if you regard them as adaptable to your lifestyle.

Barbara avatar

Feb 15, 2010 Anonymous
by: Kathryn

You don't love your cats at all or you would have taken the trouble to learn more about them.
Cats need their toe ends and claws for everything they do to be healthy happy cats.
How dare you insult the people on here who have done a lot of research about this cruelty and give their lives to help stop it ?
I'm still learning about declawing, it makes me feel physically ill the more I learn.
I watched a laser declawing video,I cried, I could imagine the stench of burnt flesh and bone.
If you think lasering is such a good idea, go and have your own finger and toe ends burnt off.
That will soon change your mind.

Feb 15, 2010 Anonymous-may your finger and toe tips be chopped off!
by: Maggie Sharp

"my two wonderful cats whom I love dearly" This is an isult to our intelligence!!! (us being those who were luckily given a brain and a heart and are against declawing!) Do honestly expect us to believe for 1 second that your cats mean more than their own crap to you?! It's easy to lie, especially behind a computer screen, and you seem like a professional. You're a narcissistic heartless fool! Let's see your finger tips and toe tips get chopped off so you're just walking around on stubs! How would that feel?! And yet you believe you have the right to take away what a cat needs most! You DISGUST me!

Love your cats?! Rubbish! If you loved them you'd let them live a happy life!

Feb 15, 2010 Anonymous idiot
by: Jane A

Yes do what is right and what is right is leaving cats with the claws they have because they need.
What is not right is having the power to pay some vet to cripple your cats.
I can hardly wait for the day declawing is illegal all over the world.
Then we will see just who loves their cats.
Then Mr Thomson and Mr,Mrs or Ms anonymous,you will have to accept cats as they come and provide scratchers for them to use or live without the pleasure of them in your lives.
There will be no easy lazy selfish option of having your cats crippled then.
Sickening animal abuse is what declawing is.
Self righteous and judgemental we are not so don't be so stupid.Try compassionate CAT LOVERS instead.

Feb 15, 2010 To Anonymous
by: Ruth

I'd far rather be self righteous and judgemental than be a cat abuser !!!!We don't do this for fun you know, we do it because we LOVE cats, ALL cats and we can't stand by and see them abused through spite or ignorance.
What good hearted people have their cats disabled ?I don't know a single one. You tell us you love your cats dearly, that's the best joke I've heard for years.
You DO NOT love your cats and yet pay a vet to amputate their toe ends by whichever means that corrupt 'butcher' uses.
Chopped off, cut off, or burned off, their last toe joints are GONE! Are you having two perfectly healthy cats disabled just to prove a point ? That is the lowest of the low. Sadly your cats will be the ones suffering,not you.Life is VERY unfair.
I wish you could feel their shock, pain and bewilderment when they wake up and wonder what's happened to them. I wish you were the one biting to protect yourself and messing on the floor because your feet are too painful to dig in litter.And I wish you were the one defenceless against burglars, fire, floods etc, finding yourself outside, with no chance against healthy whole animals. Unfortunately your cats will suffer those problems, not you.
But I can hope you get the painful arthritis which most declawed cats develop.
People like you should not be allowed anywhere near cats !
Oh, and at least have the courage of your convictions by giving your name,anonymous will win you no credit !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 14, 2010 judgmental people
by: Anonymous

I thank you for your information about laser declawing. There are obviously many very judgmental people out there. Ignore them and do what you think is right. I know many good-hearted people who love their cats and have had them declawed. Your post helped me decide what to do about my two wonderful cats whom I love dearly, and I won't listen to those self-righteous, judgmental people who have crucified you for your decision.

Feb 06, 2010 You should not keep cats
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

The story doesn't tell whether "Thompson's" studied declawing before or after the mutilation. I don't know what is the worst - knowingly submitting a cat to this disgusting operation or proudly rationalizing about it afterwards like this.
1) Cats need their claws for stretching out.
2) Furniture may be damaged in case a suitable scratching post is not available for the cat.
3) And people who care more about their furniture than the welfare of their cats should not keep cats at all.
Simple as that.

Finn Frode avatar

Feb 06, 2010 Babz is right
by: Edward

I have to agree with Babz in all that she says man. Shes put it in a nutshell there.No one forces cat owners to have their cats crippled although some vets do push it from what Ive heard.
If any vet said to me right man why dont you do so and so to your cat ?Id want to know EXACTLY what so and so meant.I wouldnt just give him a by your leave to do anything without knowing the nitty gritty.Any vet suggesting cutting off bits of any of my cats to help fill up his coffers with money for it would be sorry hed ever offred.
I didnt know is a pathetic excuse and I agree Mr Thompson DID know as he did reserach.Maybe he didnt do it in the right place but you can hardly miss all the gen there is about how cruel it is man.
As people keep on saying why do people get cats if they dont like their claws ? Cats comes with claws. Dont like claws ? Dont get a cat.
OK man ??????

Feb 06, 2010 I beg to differ
by: babz

Perhaps Mr Thompson isn’t a bad person in other areas of life, but he’s a bad cat owner and a bad influence on anyone dithering whether to declaw or not declaw. And I have to say that it IS the cat owner who is directly at fault because the ultimate responsibility for the cat’s welfare is the owner, not the vet not anyone else, but they person who assumes ownership of the cat. A vet doesn’t just come along and say “Right, I’m going to declaw your cat today” – no, the owner approaches the practice and ASKS for the cat’s toe ends to be hewn off and even pays for the honour of crippling their cat, in Mr Thompson’s case as he proudly points out, sometimes they may pay “much more” for having them burned off. The end result is the same; the cat is rendered disabled at the owner’s request.
And indoctrination? Well that’s just another word for not having the sense to use your own mind and think about things for yourself, it’s a paltry excuse to carry on the barbaric tradition of declawing. Using that line of thought everyone would act like their parents, and their grandparents and so on back to the origin of the species! Drunks would beget drunks, abusers would beget abusers, thieves would beget thieves and so it would go on. But this doesn’t happen, children grow into adults and develop their own beliefs, it’s no good saying your granny always drowned excess kittens so you do the same, you’ll still be prosecuted. I just wish it were likewise for declawing.

Yes vets also carry a lot of responsibility for the thousands of cats deliberately disabled each year, and yes they should offer education rather than surgery but even Mr Thompson states that he did some research himself, and that he knew what declawing is, so knowing all that he still went ahead and paid to make his cat an amputee. That to me IS a bad person.

Barbara avatar

Feb 06, 2010 Puzzled
by: Jane A

But Mr Thomson must have known the truth as he said he'd done his research ?????

Feb 06, 2010 Mr Thompson
by: Ruth

Micheal I agree Mr Thompson is not a bad person if he didn't know what declawing actually means and his vet didn't tell him. BUT his post could have done a lot of damage to our education of people if no anti declaws had come on and told him the truth.
If someone thinking of declawing their cat saw how wonderful he thinks laser surgery is, then that would be their excuse to go ahead and have their cats laser declawed, resulting in more uneccessarily crippled cats.
There are too many people who think all vets know best !
Maybe I sound harsh but we have to get the message across to everyone that this pre meditated abuse of cats has to stop !
It is mostly the corrupt vets to blame but I stick to my opinion too that no one should even want to have their cat declawed, even if it was as the name suggests, simply the claws, because it's wrong to take healthy neccesary parts from any animal.
Mr Thompson can prove he's not a bad person by signing our petition:
by passing it on and by never ever having a cat of his own declawed again !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 06, 2010 I hate it too
by: Michael

I am totally in agreement with all the comments here. Of course I am. I love these comments and all people who hate declawing cats. But Mr Thompson is not by my assessment a bad person (he has emailed me).

I think a lot of the time it is not the cat "owner" who is directly at fault in thinking that declawing a cat is alright.

When a person is indoctrinated through long standing practice and culture into believing that declawing is just part of the process of cat ownership (as opposed to keeping and living with a cat companion) it is hard to blame that person.

Sure blame has to fall somewhere I feel. And the primary blame as far as I am concerned falls on the veterinarians. They have the power to alter opinion on the ghastly process.

Michael Avatar

Feb 05, 2010 ? ? ?
by: anonymous

Have I got the date wrong Thompsons ?
Is it April Fools Day ?
You badly need to do some more research on declawing is all I gotta say.

Feb 05, 2010 You can't be serious
by: Jane A

I had to look twice as I thought I'd misread the bit 'you will be pleased and your cat will not suffer'
So you are telling people they will be pleased to help the vet pay for his fancy new toy which burns off healthy body parts.
You are saying their cat will not suffer.Of course their cat will suffer,you would suffer if you had your finger and toe ends burned off.
I hope as you rate this abusive procedure so highly you'll go and have some of your own healthy body parts burned off,see if you are as pleased then.
Cats are living beings, they feel fear and pain just as we do.
Please don't try to pull the wool over our eyes, we KNOW the truth.

Feb 05, 2010 I agree I agree I agree
by: Kathryn

With everyone else on here who has told you what they think of someone having their cat deliberately crippled. It's people like you who keep this horrendous practice going.
How magnanimous of you that the extra cost to you didn't count,that you had her toes expensively burned off instead of cut off.
We are so not impressed.
What about the cost to your cat,you and your high falluting vet have cost your cat her rightful toe ends and claws.
There is NO NO NO excuse to do this to a cat.Anyone who thinks there is should NOT have a cat in their lives.

Feb 05, 2010 I can't believe this
by: Petra

I have never heard such a load of biased spiel in my life. If you know so much about de-clawing cats how could you possibly let your cat go through such a horrific experience? How could you think that any veterinarian who de-claws cats is highly reputable? In fact they are the dregs of their profession and only continue to practice because fools like you patronise them.

In my humble opinion you need to wind your neck in mate and stop recommending de-clawing by any means, either by laser, knife, clippers or adze because by recommending it you are making yourself responsible for the pain and suffering of Zeus knows how many cats.

May I add that I really like this site which I found by a Google alert.

Feb 05, 2010 Don't Insult Our Intelligence
by: babz

How dare you come onto this site and patronise us by stating that you realise what declawing means and then go on to recommend the use of laser surgery to cripple cats? Are you deluded?

Have you no conception that it isn’t only the means of amputating the toe ends that matters, but also the fact that those toe ends are gone forever and the cat is disabled for life. Maybe laser surgery means a shorter post op recovery and maybe there is less bleeding post op too, but for God’s sake have you never heard of phantom pain in the stumps of amputees? That is what your cat is an AMPUTEE!

Do you think we are impressed that cost wasn’t an issue? You were obviously determined to have your way one way or another and managed to latch on to laser surgery and by your “research” found justification for your selfishness in de-knuckling your cat. What you certainly did NOT find was a “highly reputable vet”, no, you found a pimp willing to take “much more” of your cash to butcher your cat.

Your dear one? Don’t make me laugh, you have no respect or affection for your cat, you view her as your property to be modified to your specification – and no more than that. I sincerely hope for the cat’s sake that she doesn’t have any problems in the future, and I can’t help wishing that for every ache and pain she does feel from being declawed that you feel the same “sympathy pain” as she does. And expect it to get worse as she gets older.

I certainly would like to throw stones; I would also like to throw an accusation at you of animal abuse. Your final sentence sickens me, to actually come on to a cat lovers site and ask readers to PLEASE consider laser surgery, and tell them they will be pleased and that THEIR CAT WILL NOT SUFFER – I think you should be prosecuted for publishing misleading information!

Barbara avatar

Feb 05, 2010 Pitiful Excuse of a Human (?)
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

The end does not justify the means, no matter how you try to reconcile your horrific behavior!!!

How would you like it if someone were to strap you down, (maybe) drug you up and amputate your foot above the ankle because someone else didn't like it? Maybe your shoe size is too big and it's leaving footprints everywhere?

Are you kidding me? What type of bizarre reasoning can you possibly use to drastically alter a perfectly healthy cat/kitten?

I concur with everyone else here. You are, indeed, a disgrace and an animal abuser!

Feb 05, 2010 Disgraceful
by: Rose

Has your wonderful vet got one of these too ?
Or did his 'real' equally corrupt assistant hold your cats paws up to be mutilated? See how the joint is yanked away, imagine the damaged tissues from that.No pain ? Don't make me laugh.
Watch and listen to the end, you'll hear that it makes the procedure EVEN more enjoyable for the vet.
Oh yes and of course it makes it more enjoyable than ever when people like you cough up for this money making racket.

Feb 05, 2010 You should be ashamed man
by: Edward

Coming on here telling people that laser declawing is acceptable is a load of tommy rot man.
Why did you have your cat declawed ? So the kids or dog could maul her without fear of retaliation ? Somebody old or frail in your family as the excuse ? Or are you like many others, worshipping your inanimate furniture ? How do you think we manage in countries where its banned man ? Why didnt you get a scratching post and teach her how to use it ? Thats what we do, its hardly rocket science to know to do that.
Did you have her declawed as a kitten and ruin her entire life ? Your oh so highly reputable vet broke the AVMA policy that declawing should be a last resort if he declawed a kitten man.
24 hours of fear,suffering and shock your cat endured but you didnt see that did you, no your poor cat came home after the cruellest most needless operation possible and had to adjust to life without toe ends.
I just hope she doesnt suffer any of the many effects of yours and your esteemed vets cruelty.
You say have your cat laser declawed and you will be pleased and your cat will not suffer.
What planet do you live on man ?

Feb 05, 2010 No....
by: Anonymous

It is not the initial procedure that is the most of the problem. It is the what it does to a cat.

It is taking off a part of their body that they need to be comfortable and healthy. It is severing, what would be to us, half a foot (since cats walk on their toes, and declawing means that the toe bone has to be taken off). This means that the cat is uncomfortable for the rest of it's life, walks in an unnatural and altered gait, and is put in the firing line for joint problems, and spinal problems.

Cats also need their claws to stretch their bodies. As you may know, stretching is very important to a cats body. If a cat cannot stretch it's muscles (digging claws into floor/scratching post, holding them there to steady itself and stretching out) then the cat will be very uncomfortable - most likely in pain - and can also lead to many problems.

It is abuse, no matter how it's done - and never SHOULD be done.

Feb 05, 2010 Laser declawing is just as cruel !
by: Ruth

A highly reputable vet would NEVER declaw a cat by laser or by any other means ! Yes the operation may have been less bloody and healed quicker but the pain your cat suffered at those 10 amputations would be no less and your cat is no less disabled than a cat declawed by guillotine.You say she had no pain ! Really ? So you obviously don't know cats hide their pain as it's a sign of weakness.It's impossible she had NO pain !
3 years later she has no problems you say. Right, well she is a very lucky cat in that case but she's not out of the woods by any means ! Problems from declawing can occur even years after the initial operation, your highly reputable vet might have missed a sliver of bone which can move later and cause agonising pain or a tiny claw cell from which a crooked claw can regrow, these can cause problems at any time and cats have lost their paws through these complications.
AND cats need their claws, they need them to dig in to exercise their leg, shoulder, stomach and back muscles.Because declawed cats can't do this many develop arthritis in later life.You need to watch your cat carefully for any sign of this.
Don't forget cats hide their pain !!!!
And what if your house is broken into, your cat is defenceless against any burglar OR if she escaped through a broken window she is defenceless outside against healthy animals.What about natural disasters, fire, floods etc ? Without claws she would have no chance !
Please don't try to sell laser declawing as something wonderful,because it isn't ! It's just another means of disabling a perfectly healthy cat.
Find a REALLY highly reputable vet,one who sticks to his/her oath to harm no animal, because declawing DOES harm cats, it is pre meditated abuse by the 'owner' of the cat and the corrupt vet !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Feb 04, 2010 Thanks for visiting
by: Michael

Thanks for visiting. The trouble for me is this: declawing with a laser causes less pain and the recovery is quicker. I think that is a given.

But it is still declawing - the alteration of a cat for our own ends. It is fundamentally wrong and it disrespects nature. We must learn to try and do what is correct as it sets the scene for a proper relationship with our cat. Declawing cats encourages an improper relationship with cats - one in which we treat a cat as an object to do with as we please. That can never create a harmonious relationship.

It is time we respected nature and the animals. It is time that we learned to live in harmony with them and nature rather than beating it into submission or trying to. Nature is superior however and it will win in the end.

Michael Avatar

7 thoughts on “Laser Surgery for Declawing Cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I do not know why there is so much negative publicity about declawing

    Lynn B, I respect all views provided they don’t result in hurting cats. Declawing is for the convenience of the owner. It is as simple as that. There is no other reason for it. It is hugely painful and there are often complications. And vets don’t often realise what they are causing because we can’t ask a cat how she feels. But we are removing the tips of ten toes as if they are the last phalange of each human finger. We wouldn’t like that for no good reason. Why should we expect cats to accept it? “They are only cats” That is the reason, isn’t it.

    It is easy to find a justification for anything. It is much harder to face the truth that declawing is unethical and vets know it.

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