Theory as to why some cats might hate women. Infographic.

This is an idea that makes some sense but which is rarely if ever discussed online. Cats have good memories and it is argued that they can link bad experiences to one or other of the human genders. Perhaps the word ‘hate’ is too strong. Perhaps some cats might become ‘wary’ of women where …

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Why are UK veterinarians so expensive? Are they? Infographic.

Are vets genuinely expensive in the UK?

The title reflects the views of many veterinary clinic clients but it begs the question as to whether vets are genuinely expensive. The infographic below provides a balanced, highly summarised assessment. Below there are some extended discussions. Perhaps the first point in the infographic is the most important: perception. Combine this with general post-Covid …

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First strike at a UK private veterinary practice

1% pay rise is a pay cut for vet workers at Valley Vets in south Wales owned by VetPartners

NEWS AND VIEWS: This is the first strike that has ever occurred according to the union ‘Unite’ at a UK private veterinary practice and it is a consequence, allegedly, of greed by the private equity-owned operator: VetPartners, which owns the vet practice called Valley Vets in south Wales. This is an extension of a …

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Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners implied that Kristen Lindsey was indoctrinated into shooting feral cats

Lindsey was indoctrinated into believing that shooting feral cats was acceptable

I was provoked into briefly revisiting the notorious Kristen Lindsey case which is still pretty fresh in my mind even though it was closed on October 20th 2016 in a final court order against her which suspended her practicing certificate for five years with four years on probation in I believe an amendment to …

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CMA investigates UK veterinary market (details in infographic)

CMA presses ahead with full investigation into vets markets in the UK (details in infographic)

Here is some summarised detail in the form of an infographic on the UK’s Competitions and Markets Authority’s investigation into the veterinary market which has been so comprehensively criticised in the UK due to the buying up of independent vets by big business to form chains of vets which reduces competition and pushes up …

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The problem with UK vet prices is that we are used to the NHS

Gloriously beautiful veterinary clinic. It is fictional!

There has been a lot of criticism of those UK vets who’ve given up as sole traders and sold out to big business and become part of a chain of clinics. The accusation is that these big businesses are pressuring the once independent vets to charge more for medicines and services because big business …

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UK vet warns that people are shooting their dogs as they can’t afford vet bills

David Thompson

A UK veterinarian with over five decades of experience has raised concerns that some dog owners are resorting to shooting their pets due to the inability to afford soaring veterinary costs. This increase in prices is attributed to many clinics being acquired by conglomerates, transforming them into chains rather than independent practices. The veterinarian …

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