Lion vs Tiger article is well researched
by Matt
Tiger at Columbus Zoo - photo by Valerie (ucumari on Flickr)
I just got done watching the Animal Planet show Animal Face-off: Lion Vs. Tiger, and the program was so off the wall, they did not take into account things that should have been and played off the Lion as gods gifted fighter...The show irritated me to say the least.
Anyway, they said that the lion would win, if you haven't watched it, then watch it. Count the errors and laugh, that a multi-million dollar TV station can't get simple facts right is pathetic, and even worse are the experts on the show.
While I am not familiar with the lion as much I am a huge tiger fan, a tiger is capable of carrying 600lbs in its jaws, and able to drag a kill weighing 2000lbs to safety to eat it. This shows how powerful the tiger is, also the tiger hunts with camoflauge and stalks its prey and waits for the right time to attack, the tiger rarely puts itself in a situation that will cause it harm as it hunts alone.
The lion hunts in packs to increase the odds of scoring a kill to share with the pride, so a tiger is better fed, patient and stealthier than a navy seal in the water.
While I am not saying the lion is a chump, it is powerful and has the impressive mane to protect its neck and throat, I still think the way that the lion fights would never work against the smarter more patient tiger.
The tiger is smarter, stronger, stealthier and way more patient, the lion in their show was hunting a feeding tiger attacks it off guard and then stands and fights the tiger after its sprint and dive, the stamina on the lion would have been nearly depleted and the tiger would have had the upper hand, the tiger was clearly being cheated by puppets of animal planet and their "pride" of overpaid morons.
Thanks for doing actual research and basing your results on facts rather than fan fare.
Thanks again,