Local heroes: Fire department in the UK called to more than 160 animal rescues in 2018

Have you ever wondered just how many animals a fire department rescues each year? The Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service in the U.K. has posted the numbers for 2018. A LOT of animals get into a jam they need assistance getting out of.

photo credit Anthony Kelly

Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service’s animal rescue team had a busy year in 2018, being called upon more than 160 times. They’re local heroes, rescuing everything from birds to deer.to sheep. And plenty of cats, of course.

2019 is starting off with another busy year in animal rescue. The department was contacted by the RSPCA to rescue a cat stuck on a roof on Suffolk Road Wednesday afternoon.

Below are some of the more memorable rescues from 2018.

  • January 23: Dog stuck near a river after chasing a cat and ending up along the riverbank (King’s Lynn)
  • February 2: Unspecified bird stuck in an extractor hood (Loddon)
  • March 28: Pigeon dangling upside down from a branch over a road (Heacham)
  • May 29: Kitten stuck in a living room cavity wall (Massingham)
  • June 11: Rabbit trapped behind a gas fireplace (Watton)
  • August 1: Cat stuck behind a cooker (Martham)
  • August 12: Muntjac deer stuck between two garages (Sheringham)
  • October 17: Buzzard trapped up a 20ft pole by its leg (Wroxham)
  • October 21: Roe deer stuck in a well, 12-15ft down (Watton)
  • November 27: Cat who spent two days stuck on a roof (Gorleston)

The cost for rescuing the most than 100 animals was approximate £8,550 or £150 for each unit dispatched.

Alan Jaye, chairman of the Norfolk Fire Brigades Union, talked about the rewarding experience of animal rescue with Eastern Daily Press

“For me, there are few better feelings than knowing you’ve saved an animal’s life – particularly when they are somebody’s pet. It’s a big part of why you do the job to begin with.”

Their recent cat from a roof rescue drew some criticism for taking the time to rescue the poor kitty. “Really?? What a waste of tax payers money! If your car is stuck higher a ladder.” Apparently, this person is not only against cats but is sorely in need of a dictionary.

Once person commented back at the person stating it does a fire department good to rescue animals because the firefighters get the chance to get in extra training with their equipment. They gather knowledge and experience when they’re faced with situations involving animals. Which in the end means more animals (as well as people) are successfully rescued.

Great job, Norfolk. Keep up the good work.

Follow Elisa on Facebook and Instagram.

Click here to see many more photos of animals rescued by Norfolk Fire and Rescue. The cat rescued from a roof a few days ago was reported on here.

1 thought on “Local heroes: Fire department in the UK called to more than 160 animal rescues in 2018”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Great work Norfolk! It helps fire fighters rescue animals in fires in family homes too, by teaching them about animal behaviour.

    Fire teams here often deal with horrific, traumatising fire scenes, where many people of all ages are seriously injured or dead. They also often attract the attention and physical attacks from thuggish members of the public (so do paramedics and ambulance staff, the UK has some foul idiots living here) I think rescuing animals in distress is a satisfying, lower stress activity & trauma free work for these brave crews. They can be very proud of these rescues. The nay sayers need to shut up.

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