Maine Coon Cat Vet Bills

Maine Coon Cat Vet Bills

by Michael
(London, UK)

I just read that Maine Coon cat vet bills are higher than any other cat breed, so say Sainsbury’s Bank (UK company). They were looking at the cost of insurance and, of course, a major factor in the cost of pet insurance will be the cost of veterinary treatment. Apparently, and I found this a bit shocking, the average cost per treatment was £487.93, which is about 40% above the average cost and twice that of a Persian cat.

That immediately begs the question why? Can someone provide an answer? It can only be one of two things. When the Maine Coon cat becomes ill requiring veterinary treatment the kind of illness is more severe, requiring more expensive treatment or vets charge more to Maine Coon owners than to other cat keepers. The latter is highly unlikely.

Maine Coon cat vet bills are probably higher on average because of the type of health problems associated with this breed, which include HCM (heart disease), Hip Dysplasia and PKD (kidney disease). There are others, see Maine Coon cat health. These types of diseases probably require longer treatment sessions than the standard. But there is a big difference (40% higher) between these costs and the average. On this report the Persian, incidentally, comes out below average by 10% despite having certain illnesses associated with the breed (see Persian cat health problems).

So what does this tell us. Well despite this extra cost the Maine Coon is in the top 3 of the worlds most popular cat breeds, on my reckoning, so either people don’t know about these extra costs of care (and higher insurance premiums, I suspect) or they don’t care.

Maine Coon Cat Vet Bills to Maine Coon cats

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Maine Coon Cat Vet Bills

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Sep 06, 2010 HIGH VET BILLS
by: Anonymous

I know how you may question you cats vet bills.
Here’s the deal..
Take you cat to a cat dr only!
Dont ever take your cat to an emergency clinic your asking for trouble.
Only because if a dr indeed opens a cat hospital or clinc, its because he loves cats above all in his knowledge as a dr. Its like an ID card for the best doctors.
Its ok for general shots, but dont ever take this breed to a animal clinic.
You will hear ‘Oh you cat is smashing with a smashing bill.
They really dont have the expertise and knowledge on this breed, or for any matter cats.
This happened to me.
A hospital ran up my vet bills high.
My cat died in my arms at the vets and they wanted an additional 800 dollars in US funds for doing nothing to help him.
I sued and won. I must be the first case that ever won a lawsuit against a animal clinic.
I am not saying all vets are mindless,
Just if there is a dr whom is well versed in cats why in Gods name would one ever risk or put such a beautiful creature to an inferior situation.
Do your research and good luck to you and may your cats be well and blessed!

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