Man risks personal injury to save cat from dog attack

Perhaps the notable aspect of this video which shows a man saving a cat from a vicious dog attack is that he physically intervenes by grabbing the dog and pulling it off the cat. He did not resort to violence himself and, for example, kick the dog or hit the dog in some other way. He dives in and grabs the dog who’s enraged and in an aggressive mood. Brave.

Guy saves a cat from dog attack while risking personal injury
Guy saves a cat from dog attack while risking personal injury

He dived in fearlessly despite a real risk of being bitten by the dog himself. I feel pretty sure a lot of people would have been scared to do that.

When he has pulled the dog off the scared and shocked cat he continues to respect the dog and simply dominates the dog and ushers them away from the cat.

Man risks personal injury to save cat from dog attack.

This man respects animals. He is a kind soul it seems to me. The caption says that he is the cat’s caregiver but I am not entirely sure. The place where the cat rescue occurs does not look residential to me but I could be wrong.

We don’t know if the cat was injured. It is likely that they were.

It is possible, althogh we are not told this, that he owns the dog and the cat. If that is the scenario, his actions can be viewed in an entirely different light. You could blame him for allowing the dog attack to occur and it would explain why he is so respectful of the dog.

Typically, a person intervening under these circumstances would normally act in a way which did not jeopardise their own health or minimise the risk. But that would have been hard as there were no objects to grab and use as ‘weapons’ to force the dog away from the cat.

That’s what I like about this cat rescue: the man opened himself up to a dog bite in the interests of saving the life of a cat. That said if he owns the cat you can see how the protective instincts kick in.

The key here is whether he owns or does no own the cat. If its the former his brave actions are more understandable. If the latter he is a great guy.

A lot of people would be scared to do what he did even if they owned the cat. They’d be lost as to what to do. Perhaps seeking help but by then the cat would be dead.

This is a comment on TikTok about this video:

😳@omg now if I see dogs in the street definitely change my path so dangerous omg

Commenter – Religion

That comment reflects the thoughts of many people, I would suggest. It makes the actions of this guy more impressive as he went towards danger.

Here is another in the same vein:

lucky the dog didnt bite him😂😂

Commenter – Taahir samodien

RELATED: Clothing buttons help to treat cat’s injuries after dog attack

2 thoughts on “Man risks personal injury to save cat from dog attack”

  1. Thanks April. I have got more comments than before! Comments dried up because this site has been on the internet for 17 years. And Google has more or less killed the site. I keep going. I think I’ll be able to make a decent donation at the end of September.

  2. Thanks, Michael, for the wide variety of information you share~ and for the donations! I hope you’re getting lots of comments!

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