My Cat was Bitten by a Snake
My cat, (I call him Turkey) was bitten by a copperhead snake last summer and barely made it thru. He really was starting to put on some weight and be healthy. In the last week, he is just not himself. Not grooming himself. Sleeping ALOT! Not wanting to eat his normal dry food. His right eye is watery. He is only 2. I am really worried that he is not gonna make it.
Admin: Hi, and thanks for the post. I changed the heading to catch more traffic. Hope you don’t mind. Your story disturbed and concerned me (thinking about Turkey). I am no expert on snake bites. But the copperhead venom is the least venomous in the US, as I understand it, but can kill cats. It would seem to me that he may have an infection brought about by the venom which has damaged your cat (perhaps the immune system is compromised).
I presume you have taken him to the vet. If not I would strongly recommend it. Antibiotics may help him if it is a secondary bacterial infection. Or he may have a primary infection (a virus). Good luck to you both. Can someone with relevant experience please help this cat? Thanks.