My loving Spooky Cat

by Kim Clines
(Cincinnati, OH)

My view of Spooky in my lap...

My view of Spooky in my lap...

I had a 12 year old cat that looked just like the pictures here of Arthur. He unfortunately passed a few days ago while checking his territory outside our home. A couple neighborhood dogs came along and well you know the rest. 🙁 He was a very loving and affectionate cat that "talked" to me all the time. I miss him dearly and have turned to the internet for comfort and to educate myself more about him and my surviving cat companion Casper.

I was looking through cat breeds and almost cried when I found this website. I never realized that Spooky was a certain breed, but by the looks of these pics he was definitely a Tiffany/Chantilly.

I can't think of many times that I could sit without a long visit from him planting his thin elegant, body in my lap--wiping his mouth across my arm, as many times as I would allow, to let everyone know I was "his".

I have to put a pillow or blanket in my lap now when I watch T.V. since he no longer holds throne in that spot. This helps me with his passing and keeps the tears at bay. I couldn't have asked for a more affectionate and caring companion... he is missed terribly.

I was greeted almost every morning in the bathroom with a meow and rub on my legs. I would speak back asking him how he was and again responded to with another meow. This would go on as long as I would continue to talk and we weren't interrupted. How I miss him.

Thanks so much for sharing with us and I feel much better in knowing I can find another cat like him if I ever want to have the same kind of companion again... I can't imagine wanting any other kind of cat.

Thanks again,

Kim--Spooky's Girl

My loving Spooky Cat to Tiffany cat

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My loving Spooky Cat

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Mar 31, 2011
My cat Casper
by: Anonymous

I just Googled "Casper and Spooky cats" and came across this blog.

Our kitty girl Casper just passed away this week. Like you, we had 2 cats - Casper and Spooky.

Our Spooky is sad without his buddy - we adopted them together 6 years ago. They were constant companions. We are loading Spooky up with lots of love because he seems so sad.

Just wanted to share, as fellow Spooky and Casper kitty parents!

Sep 21, 2010
by: Spooky's girl

Tracy, It sounds like Finnegan was a wonderful friend!! Only cat owners truly know the loss of a "God sent" cat! Spooky picked me as well! I have read that you should allow your cats and/or dogs from litters to "choose" you. The one that comes to you is the one you should take!! He was from a pet store and him and one other black short haired was left! I wanted the short hair, but he stayed back while Spooky came to play! I couldn't decide so we left and walked through the mall a bit and when we returned the other cat had been bought!! It was truly fate! I still miss him so and sometimes long for his affection, I'm sorry for your hurt from your loss, but I believe that if God makes Heavan "perfect" he is there keeping my grandma's lap warm now... Waiting impatiently and watching! 🙂 I have a recording on my cell phone of him purring and I play it often. My other cat, Casper heard it while on my lap and went up to my phone and head butted it!! I think he misses his brother too! I still have a cat and 2 dogs so I am going to wait before I get another, but I hope to find another as loving and attentive as he was! Good luck in your search! Sincerely, Kim 🙂

Sep 21, 2010
Finnegan, I love you still
by: Tracy

I am sitting here reading your comment, crying. It is exactly the way I felt about my cat< Finnegan. I think God gave him to our family, then took him back too soon. He was the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever owned. Unfortunately he died a few weeks ago, inhumanely. He was only 8-9 yrs. old. He was a great mouser, and thats how he died, doing his job. He got sick, we had blood work and x-rays taken. Couldn't figure out what was wrong. We did what we could for him for two weeks, suffering because the vets had us force feeding him because "some cats just stop eating, but if u force feed them for a month, they will start eating again"?,he died.At a block party, 3 days after he died I found out a number of neighbors were putting poison out for mice!! I am still angry. I want another cat, but don't want to have another die on me! God brought him to us on the heels of the mailman, literally. He got along with both my big dogs and was so incredibly layed back. He didn't roam for days like other tom cats. Slept in the house during the day and on cold winter nights. He'd mouse at night but be here every morning around 6. I miss him terribly. I found another cat at petsmart that kind of looks like him and seems kind of sweet too, but don't know if I should save him. Is it too soon? Finny, I will miss you forever!!!!

Sep 21, 2010
Finnegan, I love you still
by: Tracy

I am sitting here reading your comment, crying. It is exactly the way I felt about my cat< Finnegan. I think God gave him to our family, then took him back too soon. He was the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever owned. Unfortunately he died a few weeks ago, inhumanely. He was only 8-9 yrs. old. He was a great mouser, and thats how he died, doing his job. He got sick, we had blood work and x-rays taken. Couldn't figure out what was wrong. We did what we could for him for two weeks, suffering because the vets had us force feeding him because "some cats just stop eating, but if u force feed them for a month, they will start eating again"?,he died.At a block party, 3 days after he died I found out a number of neighbors were putting poison out for mice!! I am still angry. I want another cat, but don't want to have another die on me! God brought him to us on the heels of the mailman, literally. He got along with both my big dogs and was so incredibly layed back. He didn't roam for days like other tom cats. Slept in the house during the day and on cold winter nights. He'd mouse at night but be here every morning around 6. I miss him terribly. I found another cat at petsmart that kind of looks like him and seems kind of sweet too, but don't know if I should save him. Is it too soon? Finny, I will miss you forever!!!!

Jul 14, 2010
by: Kim

Thanks for everyones kind words. I still feel pangs of saddness when I think of my boy, but the tears are fewer and farther between. I had a scare last night with Casper and almost panicked, but he came home and all was good. I had fallen asleep on the couch watching a movie with my daughter and didn't call him in at the usual time. I called for him over and over and even walked up the street with no result. I went back in to put my dogs up and went back out again and called him... He finally came and was wet from the dew that had started to cover the ground... He was in some kitty cat dream of his younger years I would imagine, but still came with his tale erect and a quick step in his pace. I scooped him up and off to "sleepy time" we went. He has become much more vocal with me than he had been before Spooky passed and it makes me think of Spooky more often as well... I am still finding Spooky's hairs on random things in the house and just want to hug them and keep them forever. How I still miss him so!! With tears streaming down my cheeks making it more difficult to type my thanks to you all, I shall go... Keep your pets in your hearts and give them lots of love!! I sure do with mine!!

Thanks for your support,

Jun 15, 2010
To Spooky's Best Girl
by: Sylvia

Dear Kim –

It was saddening to read of your loss of Spooky –who sounded, indeed, like a very special friend. Though some parents of dogs and cats, etc. are having their kids cloned these days, the price is not only astronomical, the clone seems to suffer distressing afflictions, and doesn’t live that long - or so I recall having read somewhere. Moreover, cloning is a slippery concept to grasp. Can the clone be identical to the original? Apparently so, physically and biochemically. Other than that, though, it seems it would differ unless its life experiences were the same as those of its donor.

Whatever the answer, nothing I say can assuage your grief. Nevertheless, let me try this: I have no belief in an afterlife. Yet I have this quirky premonition that we’re all one entity: that the self-awareness of every earthworm, every fish, dog and cat, of everything living - including the earliest self-awareness of every human – is one and the same: one we share in common.

I took a Bronze Age class in philosophy once, which is why I've long since forgotten the terms Aristotle used: but think he called the absolute bottom bedrock of self the ‘essence,’ or something along those lines, and our differing life experiences our ‘accidents.’ Even so, it still seems safe to hazard a guess that we’re all unique: it’s inconceivable that our lives are carbon copies of any other creature’s.

In spite of it all,I have this quaint feeling that the instant I die, I’ll suddenly be aware of myself – of little old me,all over again (heaven forbid) - as an infant doing something or other. What was your first awareness of you? Mine was of me banging my empty milk bottle against the slats on the side of my crib.

In other words, if we peel off the multiple layers of onion (the ‘accidents’), maybe the core is the same for all critters. What I’m trying to say – and not succeeding – is chances are that your Spooky exists in all other cats – and also in us at the most primal level of our capacity for pleasure and for physical anguish, our enjoyment of life and our helplessness in the face of death.

Yet words are useless. The uniqueness was real, and to have to see perish what was unique shoves our heart through a meat-grinder.

I’m sorry your lovable pal is gone, and that you are sad. I certainly won’t suggest you not cry. Tears cost nothing. But here’s a thought. Though we frail living creatures are transitory, love and compassion are constants in this hard-bitten world. And there are more kitties than heaven has stars who’d be overjoyed to take the place of that pillow in your lap. You can’t think of that now, but maybe in time. You sound as if you’d make a great mom to some hopeless & helpless Bitsy-Wee, who – unless you take pity - has nothing and no one.

Best wishes to you,


Jun 14, 2010
I feel so sad for you
by: Tracey (England)

I like so many cat keepers who haved loved and lost now feel for you very deeply. I have had some amazing cats in my lifetime all of which hold a special place in my heart.

Your heart won't be so heavy in time and you will look back and smile when you think of him instead of crying.

One day you will get another cat and he'll probably will be nothing like Spooky but he will be special just in a different way.

I do know because I lost a very special cat 17 months ago. I now have Brat cat (Alfie) and Big face (Ozzie)who are completely different to the cat I lost but I do love them.

Until you feel ready to let another cat into your life just love Casper loads because he probably misses Spooky as well.

Jun 10, 2010
My grief is getting easier...
by: Kim

It has gotten easier with each day... even though my heart feels very heavy at times and I feel kind of an empty type feeling inside. He was my first pet as an adult that I acquired on my own and he is the first pet I have had that has died. We had a few pets when I was a kid, but they were always taken away for whatever reason my dad felt fit. So needless to say it's a bit different this time, but the loss I feel is the same no less. Thanks again for your wonderful site and God Bless you and all of our furry friends and whoever THEY OWN! 😉

Jun 10, 2010
My grief is getting easier...
by: Anonymous

It has gotten easier with each day... even though my heart feels very heavy at times and I feel kind of an empty type feeling inside. He was my first pet as an adult that I acquired on my own and he is the first pet I have had that has died. We had a few pets when I was a kid, but they were always taken away for whatever reason my dad felt fit. So needless to say it's a bit different this time, but the loss I feel is the same no less. Thanks again for your wonderful site and God Bless you and all of our furry friends and whom they OWN! 😉

Jun 10, 2010
Hi Kim
by: Michael

Your post is full of emotion and heartache. I feel your loss. It will fade in time. It took me a long time though to get over the loss of my girl cat, my first cat.

Thanks for visiting and sharing and may Spooky rest in peace.

Michael Avatar

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