Reward For Feral Kitten Killer In Ronkonkoma, New York

Reward For Feral Kitten Killer In Ronkonkoma, New York

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Two litters of a colony of feral kittens were killed last week near Veterans Memorial Highway and Sycamore Avenue in Ronkonkoma, New York. There’s at least a $1000 reward offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the monster(s) responsible. The reward may go up as more people are supporting the movement to find these kitten killers.

These kittens are part of a managed colony of TNR cats. The mama cats have recently joined the colony and haven’t been spayed. They are cared for by a kind soul named Lori, who has been tending to feral colonies for more than 10 years.

Lori contacted Guardians of Rescue last Friday morning as she cried over the lifeless, mutilated bodies of Chap’s and Midnight’s babies. Chap’s kittens were under three weeks old and Midnight’s only three days old when someone went into the colony and used a blunt instrument to kill these kittens. Then that person threw their lifeless bodies throughout the surrounding area.

This is the first article where I refuse to show any of the photos. They’re too heartbreaking. Should you care to see them, they’re on the Guardians of Rescue Facebook page. Trust me, don’t look at them.

A veterinarian has examined what’s left of the kittens after suffering blunt force head trauma, penetrating wounds and deep tissue sticking out. This was not the work of a wild animal. Someone posing a human did this.

Pieces of shelter were broken off of the cat houses. Now Chap and Midnight are going from shelter to shelter searching for their kittens.

Guardians of Rescue has someone watching over the colony site around the clock now. They also have a private investigator on the case and will be working with the property ownerin putting up a fence.

Authorities have been contacted and a $1000 reward has been put up. Anyone who knows anything about this case should call 1-888-287-3864 or email

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Reward For Feral Kitten Killer In Ronkonkoma, New York

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May 14, 2012
pissed NEW
by: chad frahm

This may sound bad. I’m not supposed to b this angry. But if this guy way caught and tightened to a chair, I would gladly take a pliers and twist off his nuts.

May 14, 2012
pissed NEW
by: chad frahm

This may sound bad. I’m not supposed to b this angry. But if this guy way caught and tightened to a chair, I would gladly take a pliers and twist off his nuts.

May 14, 2012
reward NEW
by: Elisa

Reward is now at $6000

May 11, 2012
Please keep us updated NEW
by: Arlene

Whatever evil piece of s*** did this needs to be held accountable for his actions. Bet he will do it again and eventually move onto people. I prayed for God’s little angels that they are in heaven and for the kitty mom’s who must be devastated. This monster will have to face God one day.

Please keep us all updated on this story!

May 11, 2012
Justice for these innocent fur babies NEW
by: Anonymous

These monsters just have to be caught and very soon!
lets call on the affluent to raise a large reward to get these subhumans caught also there is a lot of ways to raise the money pvt donations , car washes, bake sales ect….

New york needs to implement laws as the state of Maryland who has strict laws in place for animals abusers they need to have harsh felony convictions against such offenders not a slap on the wrist I do hope these two cats can be tamed and placed into loving forever homes to live out the remained of their lives spoiled and loved as they should be.

May 09, 2012
Sad Situation NEW
by: Lindy Fellober

I am so sorry for that loss of God’s little creatures. I’ll tell you, I believe God won’t look lightly on this and the individuals that did this will have to deal with God. This is outright cruelty at its worse. My thoughts and prayers are with the dear little mothers of these babies and the lady who takes the time to take of these dear sweethearts, bless you, may justice be served here, its time cruelty was put a stop too by severe punishment, not just fines.

May 09, 2012
serial killer..
by: rosa mitrano

…..Listen to the Kittens Be their voice..

May 09, 2012
People against cats
by: Michael

There are many people who dislike TNR. There are many men (nearly always) who are cruel to animals and cats in particular.

This act is a combination of those two. I would seem almost certain that the objective of this monstrous person (how can anyone mutilate a kitten like that/) is to get rid of the TNR program managed by Lori.

That is the long term question. How will Lori carry on?

Thanks for posting Elisa.

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