Train wreck cat emotionally touched all who saved him

A HSUS rescuer (Sára Varsa) said:

“There is something special about Orren. Everyone who encountered him felt this magic.”

The video on this page brought a tear to my eye. Such a sweet personality. A personality which remained intact despite the illnesses and medical conditions and living conditions under which he had to live.

He is a former animal hoarder’s cat. His breathing was so bad when he was rescued they could hear it above everything else. They named him Orren.

Orren cat was suffering from a massive upper respiratory infection (URI). He could hardly breathe.

But as soon as the HSUS rescue team entered the dingy conditions under which Orren lived he welcomed them. When a rescuer picked him up, the climbed up onto her shoulders.

Orren rescued
Orren rescued

Orren was rescued with 150 other cats, dogs and farm animals in July 2015 in North Carolina.

In addition to having a bad URI Orren endured:

  • a heart murmur
  • painful arthritis
  • bad ringworm
  • malformed legs
  • beaten-up right ear

Hence the description by the staff at SAFE Haven for Cats of “train wreck”.

Orren endeared himself to all who met him. He become the shelter’s official greeter. At the shelter he loved to be petted and would encourage it by throwing himself on his side and purring. He was a happy boy and he become a star in the shelter.

When he was restored to health it was time to find a new home for him. Such was the affection for him by the shelter staff that one of the volunteers, Beth Lindsey, wanted to adopt him.

The staff loved him so much they all wrote their goodbyes on the carrier used to take him to his new home.

What a great and happy ending. Orren now lives in a super home where he is truly loved. All that agony in the past is behind him.

“He’s a happy man” said Beth.

Cats are super stoic. They endure.

Source: HSUS.

2 thoughts on “Train wreck cat emotionally touched all who saved him”

  1. Tears here. Floods. So happy that Orren now has a forever home where he is loved and cared for.🐾💜💜

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