Video of caged cat at shelter tells us how desparate he is to get out

Cat wants to be out of his cage asap
Cat wants to be out of his cage asap

I found this short video a bit distressing. This young tabby cat, understandably, shows signs of desparation to get out. He’s probably bemused and confused as to why he is where he is. He is flailing his arms around through the cage towards the person making the video. He wants to make contact and from that something good might happen like being released from his damnable cage and taken to a nice home. That’s what he is used to and he doesn’t understand why he has to live in 3 feet by 2 feet space for the indeterminate future.

Hopefully, his commitment to ‘escape’ has been converted into impressing a visitor to adopt him to give him exactly what he wants and what he deserves: a human guardian in a human environment. That is what domestic cats have evolved to like provided the human respects the wild cat within. Do all rescue cats at shelters have the same desparate desire to escape their cages?

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