Warwickshire cat almost shipped off. Until his brother raised the alarm

A cat in Mancetter, Warwickshire almost took the ride of a lifetime after being packed in a shipping container.

Aslan was last seen in his home on Wednesday. The family had no idea where he’d run off too but noticed his brother Arlo was staying close to a shipping container at a nearby factory site.

Watch Commander at Atherstone fire station Paul Turner told BBC.com they received a call about a cat stuck in a container and the caller didn’t know how to get the cat out.

On Saturday night Aslan was freed after piles of furniture were moved at the back of a 40-foot unit. A member of the rescue team compared the rescue to searching for a needle in a haystack.

The owners could hear Aslan crying as soon as Arlo reached the container door. The fire crews tried to coax Aslan out but eventually had to remove furniture to get to him. Arlo checked out the scene a few times while waiting on his brother to be rescued. If not for him the trapped kitty could have ended up God only knows where!

The family believes Aslan must have snuck inside through an open door. Photos courtesy of Atherstone Fire Station.

Source 1.

2 thoughts on “Warwickshire cat almost shipped off. Until his brother raised the alarm”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. This story does not make sense to me. The car was in a storage building elsewhere? And the brother cat knew where he was? Do the people live next to the storage lot?

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