Burmese Cat

Burmese Cat
Burmese Cat – Photo of Candido © copyright Helmi Flick
  • Breeders – new page – discussion – pic – links


It seems that for centuries this cat was found in the Far East, in Siam (now Thailand), Burma and the Malay Peninsula (now Malaysia). A female Burmese cat was imported into the USA in 1930. This imported cat was mated with a Seal Point Siamese and then a male offspring from this breeding was bred back to his mother to produce the Sable Burmese Cat¹.

Lilac female European Burmese made in Moscow Russia
Lilac female European Burmese made in Moscow Russia. Photo and breeder: Юлия Ланцова (Moscow, Russia).

I think that it is unfortunate that the development of this breed in the West has taken divergent paths. This is because of a disagreement between the UK and US cat fancy as to what the Burmese cat should look like. It is a shame that the US and UK differ in respect of their standard for this breed. The differences between the GCCF (UK) and CFA (US) makes it more difficult for non-cat fanciers to appreciate this cat breed. It also means that other countries and associations have to decide how to treat the divergent Burmese subgroups.

Here is another couple of European Burmese from the breeder: Юлия Ланцова who lives in Moscow.

Chocolate boys - European Burmese
Chocolate boys – European Burmese. Photo and breeding: Юлия Ланцова (Moscow, Russia).

I have a full page on the differences between the American and European Burmese cat. Please click on the link below:

American Burmese cat – evolution and comparison with European Burmese

Most apparently treat them as the same cat, while some differentiate and call the UK cat the European Burmese. People will disagree with what I have said and one counter argument is that nature throws up diverging types of the same species, the tiger being a classic example (Bengal and Siberian tigers). So, I can see the counter argument. I’ve built two short Blogger posts, one on the American Burmese and the other the European Burmese cat. Most of the cats illustrated on this page are the American Burmese. In the US the breed is considered a ’round’, cobby and small but heavy cat. While the Burmese is described as of ‘foreign type’ in Australia. See Cat Body Types

3 thoughts on “Burmese Cat”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. This was most helpful for me, I have a cat and I think he is Burmese but I am not sure. I feel he has all the features. How can I be for sure.

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