Update: it’s come to my attention that the man involved in the story may be the same person who has been accused of several attempted robberies and home invasions. If he is then his name is Derek Lamont Walker aged 22.
A gutsy – really gutsy – Floridian, 70-year-old woman was feeding feral cats at 6 am outside her home at the 4800 block of Grove Point Drive in Carrollwood’s Plantation neighborhood, Tampa Bay Times reports. She was probably working as a volunteer on a TNR program.
A man walked up to her armed with a gun and demanded money. That’s an armed robbery. She complied and handed over the cash that she had in her pocket.
The man walked off. The woman followed. The man turned around and pointed his gun at her again. She slapped the gun from the robber’s hand. The gun went off and the bullet hit her leg.
Law enforcement are searching for the man. The lady was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries reports the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.
If you can help please call the sheriff’s office at (813) 247-8200.
Comment: TNR volunteers are gutsy women. Bravo to you.
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