This is a happy ending cat story set in Turkey. We don’t know the cat’s sex but I’d say he was a he. As he is a white Turkish cat I’m going to be bold and say he is a Turkish Angora; not the purebred Western type but a genuine Turkish one which are all over the streets of Turkey. The doctor named his new feline companion: Mucize (Turkish for ‘miracle’). The emergency services doctor is Dr Akyürek.

Mucize, for some inexplicable reason had got his head stuck in the revolving door of a hospital in the Küçükçekmece district of Istanbul. Perhaps he wandered in off the street looking for a scrap of food.
Security cameras picked up the emergency. Mucize was struggling to breath. Dr Akyürek leapt into action (perhaps he was nearby at the time).
He performed CPR and cardiac massage. Other doctors stepped in and as gave Mucize oxygen. Great teamwork; just like treating a human in Accident and Emergency.
Dr Akyürek called a veterinary friend who advised some medicine and how to administer it.
Voilà, the miracle cat survived and is now firmly part of Dr Akyürek’s family.
As is usually the case, the doctor has received lots of congratulations from well-wishers. People who help stray cats are popular. Does that say something about humanity?
Wasn’t there another rescue situation in Turkey recently? And I feel there have been other occurrences that have made the news. That bodes well for that countries’ attitude toward and their felines’ well being I’m glad to know. Good man! Love rescue stories. And yeah, a revolving door is a death-trap for small animals, not that I hear of it happening much. As I recall there’s about a 2″ rubber flap at the edge as the weather seal which would preclude instant death, but obviously tight enough to cause inability to breathe. I hate when mankind’s things hurt animals.
Beautiful cat and beautiful humans.