Allotment Cat Is Getting Really Brave

Allotment Cat Is Getting Really Brave

by Betty
(Walsall Road Allotments, Birmingham, UK)

Having a wash

Having a wash

Having a wash Hello, where's my dinner?

This is an update about 'my' second allotment cat.

Today, while I was working on my plot I noticed that she was sitting nearby, watching me. I pretended I hadn't seen her and put some food down for her.

After she had eaten it she came within about 6 feet of me, lay down and started washing herself.

I went to fetch my camera and when I got back she was in the same place, still washing. She wasn't at all bothered about me taking photos of her.

She is such a beautiful cat and seems perfectly happy with her outdoor life. I hope she stays with us for a long time.


Hi Betty.... thanks for updating us. I may have mentioned it before. This girl cat is a calico cat (to use a USA term) or tortoiseshell and white - not much white. She has a very interesting coat.

See some previous Allotment Cat posts:

Here is the calico girl again: Another Feral Cat at the Allotments

Feral Cats at Allotments Birmingham UK

Lottie the Allotment Kitten

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Allotment Cat Is Getting Really Brave to Feral Cats

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Allotment Cat Is Getting Really Brave

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Jul 26, 2010 Betty - I was quite overcome.
by: Sylvia Anne

I was stupefied by your beautiful photos and by the size of your garden plots. Five years ago I moved from a major metropolis to a rural area, and our city’s ‘pea patches’ were dingy and cramped compared to your unbelievable gardens. Where I live now, our ‘community garden’ looks to be about 40 feet long and six feet wide – this, when we’re surrounded by hundreds of thousands of acres of virgin wilderness. Go explain...

Your gardens are astonishing, and I’m fascinated by what looks like the richness of your soil. I’ve tried to ramp up my own with fava bean, alfalfa, buckwheat and oat cover crops, but usually have to add horse manure – though I much prefer rabbit (which source, however, is 80 miles distant from where I live now).

I realize I’m on a website for cats, so will end with this.

Am not a ‘squash person ‘ – most squash tastes to me the way it sounds – but wonder if you’ve ever grown the Japanese winter squash Tetsukubota. You probably have, but - if not - give it a try baked with brown sugar and a dab of butter. You’ll think you’ve died and gone to Beulah Land.

Thank you again ever so much, and also many thanks for providing the other website – which looks like a winner. Have fun with your plants and your kitty-wees.

Best wishes,


Jul 25, 2010 Thank you all for your comments
by: Betty

Thank you so much for your comments about 'my' allotment cat. She is still visiting me every day but also wanders all over our allotment site. Today I spotted her quite a distance away from my plot where I feed her so I called her in the way I do when I put the food down and she followed me back to the plot!

Sylvia, our allotments does have a website but it is more for information about the site with lots of photos of plotholders and details of what we do. The address is (I hope this is allowed Michael) There is also an excellent forum called
where you can ask for advice.

Hope this helps,


Jul 25, 2010 Such a dear little Pussycakes, that Lottie!
by: Sylvia Ann

Betty, hello ---

Your photos are spectacular,and you and your fellow gardeners sound like animal-lovers. I realize POC is a website for cats, but am wondering if your allotment has a website for gardeners. I'm slow in navigating the Net, but am searching for such a site in the British Isles. Am more interested in fairly substantial contributions than 50-word comments with smiley faces. Have a third of an acre on which I grow vegetables - not into flowers- and would greatly enjoy the insights of other gardeners.

If you know, perhaps, of any such site, I'd be grateful for its web address.

Best of luck with your beautiful ferals.


Jul 24, 2010 A peaceful haven
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Betty. She is so beautiful. I think by moving closer and washing just in front of you she shows a lot of confidence, almost like an invitation to get to know her. She just wants the friendship to evolve in her own time.
What I always notice when watching pictures of your allotment cats is how well fed and healthy they look. They are lucky having you and this peaceful haven.

Finn Frode avatar

Jul 23, 2010 Trusting you
by: Ruth

Hello again Betty, it's lovely you keep updating us with your allotment cat stories and photos.
The calico one looks so relaxed, she must trust you a lot !

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jul 23, 2010 Oh I love looking at your cats!
by: Tracey (England)

Hi Betty

Lovely pictures again; you have a knack!

She really is a beautiful cat, such lovely markings and clearly very relaxed.

Jul 23, 2010 She's lovely
by: Barbara

What a bonny cat, I'm glad she has you for her guardian angel Betty, your keeping an eye on her and giving her extra rations will make all the difference, especially when the cold weather comes.

Barbara avatar

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