An artificial intelligence (AI) controlled cat door (cat flap) could be manufactured to distinguish between an owner’s cat bringing in a mouse and a cat without a mouse in the mouth. This would be very helpful to a lot of cat owners whose cats are prolific hunters because it is unpleasant for a lot of them to have to deal with either (a) a dead mouse that is being eaten by their cat inside their home or (b) a live mouse running around the home and hiding under furniture.
Note: I have left the video in a raw state because it shows how I was in the middle of writing this when he started to eat his third mouse of the day. I wanted to show that.
My idea comes from an earlier post based on a story about a guy, Wan Xi, who works for Baidu, the Chinese search engine. He devised an artificial intelligence (AI) controlled stray cat shelter that lets in cats but not dogs and which is also able to detect some basic health issues.
Websites such as mumsnet.com tell us that a lot of mums don’t like dealing with mice in their homes. I am not a mom but I don’t like it either. My cat is a hunter. He is outside right now looking for his third mouse in 24 hours. Yes, he’s munching on them like there is no tomorrow.
The last two he brought in dead in his mouth. He cries out when he brings them in so I know he has prey in his mouth. He ate both mice within a couple of minutes of bringing them home.
As I write this he has brought in a third! I have just seen him come in the cat flap with it in his mouth. I tried to film it but he has left the mouse under the bed. It appears to be dead. He has not eaten it but asked me for cat food instead. I duly obliged.
Update: I can hear him eat it as I write this sentence! Horrible but that’s life and death in the cat world. I filmed it (see above).
I had thought that he’d had enough of raw mouse for the day and reverted to the commercial variety but no.
If there was an AI cat flap on the market, I’d buy it because it is becoming tiresome to almost daily catch mice and deal with the remains of eaten ones.
He is wiping out the local mice population.
Claire, thanks for commenting. I don’t think I can help you because this is a new invention which is not, as far as I know, on the market yet. I can understand how keen you are to stop it. I feel the same way. Good luck Claire.
How much would a cat flap be please to stop my car bringing in mi ce ( English pounds) and how can I order one. Also how do you set it up.
Thank you
Claire Hope.