Pawly Door with prey detection is a smart cat flap which will arrive shortly

Pawly cat door

A UK/German business, Pawly, is looking for Kickstarter funding to develop what looks like a very interesting cat flap (‘cat door’ in the US). A cat flap which will meet the requirements of millions of indoor/outdoor cat owners. Not all cats allowed outside unsupervised are keen predators but many are. My cat is in …

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Cat flap robots: another type of lockdown is required during the coronavirus pandemic

Petlatch - is it safe against modern burglars?

The “other type of lockdown” that I’m referring to is a mentality because the cyber criminals are trying to get into the minds of gullible people who now need to lockdown their brains and steel themselves to resist them. Educate yourselves on modern criminality, please. And, yes, watch the catflap too. Burgeoning cybercrime and …

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