A Texas cat owner was indicted last week in Houston district court on six counts for allegedly mailing potentially deadly homemade bombs to President Barack Obama and Texas Governor Greg Abbott in October 2016. Cat hair led investigators to the culprit (the human, not the cat).

Julia Poff, 46, was charged with mailing injurious articles and transporting explosives with the intent to injure or kill the two men. She’s also accused of mailing yet another explosive device to Commissioner Carolyn Colvin of the Social Security Administration in Maryland after being turned down for benefits.
According to CBS News, Governor Abbott opened his package but the bomb failed to explode. Former President Obama’s package was intercepted in screening before it reached him. No information is available as to why the bomb sent to the SSA failed to detonate.
An almost unreadable shipping label on Governor Abbott’s package sent investigators to Poff’s home in the Brookshire area. A cat hair found under the label of Obama’s package was tested and was a match to one of Poff’s cats.
The homemade bomb was made using a cellphone, a cigarette pack and a Ken’s Salad Dressing cap. There were witnesses who can testify they had seen her when she bought the salad dressing for an anniversary dinner.
Poff stated she was upset with the governor due to not receiving support from her ex-husband. Her reason for Obama being sent a bomb is she just didn’t like him.
Ashley Kaper, attorney for Poff, declined to comment and Poff remains at the Houston federal detention center after being charged with Injurious Articles as Nonmailable and Transportation of Explosives with the Intent to Kill and Injure. She’s also been charged with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Fraud and False Declaration in Bankruptcy.’
Click here for court document (will open in new window). Additional source here.
Don’t open any packages from him, LOL.
Really, you are not all there are you? Either you are deliberately winding people up, or trying to and failing, or you are not right in the head. You’re obsessed with toxoplasmosis and Hitler for God’s sake. I think you are trying to be amusing by taking the piss. It is just boring and stupid.
Correction: … and will even kill humans to save the life of a cat. But if they have to save the life of a cat first, they will stop killing humans and then resume their killing humans later after the cat is safe.
My only question is, how many cats did she have and what is going to happen to them now? It is well known that Hitler, the Nazis, and Isis are extremely fond of cats and will even stop killing humans to save the life of a cat. Don’t believe me? Check historical and present-day archives. I surmise it is due to Toxoplasma gondii causing “Intermittent Explosive Disorder”, IED, in humans and is the cause of many unexplained bouts of lethal aggression, including road-rage and spousal-abuse. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/rage-disorder-linked-with-parasite-found-in-cat-feces/
It might even explain all the death-threats against humans and threats of torturing humans that cat-advocates post daily on every site about cats.