Veterinary telemedicine is a flop? Discussion.

Vet telemedicine is proving to be unpopular

The group of scientists who decided that people care for dogs more than they care for cats, ran a parallel survey across three same three countries: Austria, the UK and Denmark. And in this parallel survey they asked the participants what they thought about veterinary telemedicine, which emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic as a …

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AI-powered veterinary telemedicine in an app called ‘Joii’

Vet-AI app Joii vet telemedicine

Vet consultations from just £28. Resolve nearly 70% of pet care issues via a video consultation. Developed by vets. Joii Petcare app This is a heads up from me. I’m not getting commission from this startup although I think I deserve it! However, I do believe in harnessing AI to improve the lives of …

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Tech helps cats avoid trips to vets

For cat and owner alike trips to vets can be a bit traumatic. Provided the limitations are recognised and provided there is an existing, physical vet-client-patient relationship which is firmly established, remote veterinary consultations (vet telemedicine) can work admirably and help to facilitate and speed up treatments at a time when, in the UK, …

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