Example weight-loss diet for obese cats (infographic)

This example feline weight-loss diet comes from a study about obesity in animals and humans and how it alters the gut biome which in turn impacts overall health. Researchers can learn a lot about the effect on human health of obesity in reference to gut biome by studying cats; on this occasion a group …

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Sight not smell of another cat’s feces in litter tray of multi-cat home is off-putting

Cats deterred by seeing another cats feces in litter tray in multi-cat homes but is not deterred by the smell

RELATED: 5 tips in choosing a litter tray/box and the substrate that goes in it Domestic cats prefer a visually clean litter box to one that has been used by other cats. However, a study found, rather surprisingly to me, that the odour of faeces and urine deposited in the litter tray by other …

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Microplastics in semen of humans and testes of dogs. Infographic.

Microplastics found in every semen sample in study and in testes of dogs and humans. Infographic.

If you were in any doubt about the extent of worldwide plastic pollution, take a look at this infographic prepared by me based on news reports which are in turn are based in Chinese studies (perhaps the world’s biggest contributor to world pollution). The plastic that we throw away is broken down into tiny …

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Behavioral enrichment protects elderly dogs against dementia. Infographic.

Teach an old dog new tricks to protect against dementia. Infographic

I have converted a text article reporting on this study by researchers from the universities of Kentucky and California (published in The Journal of Neuroscience) into an infographic so that it can be read very quickly without the need to wade through technical terminology. The basic finding probably confirms what many dog owners and …

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Pets can protect unborn children from food allergies

Pregnant mother with cat and dog

Pets might protect the unborn child from food allergies. If a pregnant mother adopts a cat or dog, she might be able to reduce the risk of their child developing a food allergy by 13% to 16%. This is the conclusion of a study which was conducted in Japan and published in late March …

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Horrifying skulls of Persian cats in infographic and video

Flat-faced Persian skull is equivalent to a severe developmental deformity in infants

From a health standpoint and from a human behaviour standpoint the contemporary, flat-faced Persian so beloved by Persian afficionados is an unmitigated disaster. The original Persian (traditional) is more attractive and healthier. For the Peke-faced Persian it isn’t just the cranium which has gone terribly wrong it is the unacceptable percentage (around 35%) of …

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Crows can count back numbers through vocalisations (infographic)

Crows can recognise and count back numbers through their vocalisations like 3-year-old kids

This test by Dr Diana Liao confirms yet again that the crow is one of nature’s smartest creatures. The crow can look at a number such as the numeral 4 and confirm to researchers that they recognise the number by making their typical vocalisation, the caw, four times. They were imperfect however which indicated …

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