UK’s private landlords threaten to increase rents if they can’t ban pet owners

Landlords have warned that they will increase rental prices if they are forced to accept tenants with pets under a new bill going through Parliament called the Renters' Reform Bill.

The UK’s private landlords have threatened to increase their rents or even quit the renting business if they are not allowed to ban tenants from owning cats and dogs (and other pets). This is a story about the UK’s Renters’ Reform Bill. It’s currently going through Parliament and will receive its second reading in …

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American cities where you will find the most pet friendly apartments (2023)

Renters with pets are fine in Austin, Texas

NEWS AND COMMENT: As I understand it, it is expensive to purchase property in Austin, Texas because of the success of big businesses in that city followed by an influx of people and therefore greater demand for properties. So, the prices go up but the good news is that out of a hundred cities …

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