“The feline was examined by a veterinarian who indicated to police that the cat showed signs of neurological deficits. The cat’s blood was tested for drugs and those tests proved positive for methamphetamines. The cat was treated by a veterinarian and ultimately adopted into a caring home.” – Las Cruces Police Department.

‘Meth’ is short for methamphetamine, which is potent central nervous system stimulant causing euphoria and an increased sex drive.
Las Cruces Police Department via NBC News tell us that a man, Aaron Spaulding, 39, living in New Mexico, USA, force fed his cat meth. When the cat was tested he/she showed signs of ‘neurological deficits’ according to a veterinarian. We don’t know what that means for a cat but I’d expect a cat to react in a similar way to a human but with a lower dosage.
The cat has been taken from Spaulding and placed in a normal, loving home. I have to presume on the limited information that I have that he made a full recovery. Spaulding has been handed a felony charge of animal cruelty.
Spaulding is a troubled person to put it mildly. He is also acccused of having squeezed the family cat until he/she cried and he neglected the family dog. As for his violence towards humans, he is charged with two counts of battery against a household member, his girlfriend (as was). He also took her phone away from her so that she was unable to call for help when he held her against her will.
Comment: it is the first time that I have heard of a person force feeding their cat meth. I can remember a report of a punk rocker puffing cannabis into the face of a domestic cat but this is on a different level.
P.S. Two people have commented on Facebook that when a child is tested positive for illicit drugs the charges are dropped and the child remains with the mother. In other words children are treated worse than cats but in defence of the police this decision is not made by the police but by the Children, Youth & Families Department (CYFD)