Discussion with an AI bot on the MO of using Ozempic to curb human obesity in the UK

As the AI bot (Chat GPT) tells us, this is a nuanced discussion if one is to be fair in assessing humankind but it has always occurred to me that at a fundamental level it is not the best MO to tackle obesity by taking a pill which suppresses appetite as all medicines are …

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Pet de-wormer can treat cancer in humans? Infographic.

Some influencers on social media websites like TikTok have claimed that the pet de-wormer fenbendazole which can be bought on Amazon has cured their cancer. It seems magical. I am neither a medical doctor nor a veterinarian. However, research immediately points to this form of self-treatment as high-risk as fenbendazole has not, as at …

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Dr. Heather Ashton’s benzodiazepine guide is the exit from benzo addiction and withdrawal hell

Dr. Heather Ashton's benzodiazepine guide

Dr. Heather Ashton’s benzodiazepine guide is the exit from benzo addiction and withdrawal hell. This is not about cats, which is pretty obvious but indirectly it possibly is because quite a lot of people are on benzos as prescribed by their GP because they suffer from the effects of anxiety in its various forms …

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Over-monetisation of Wegovy and Ozempic in humans and pets

Ozempic for humans and cats as a weight loss drug

COMMENT: Weight loss medication such as Wegovy and Ozempic (not FDA approved in the US incidentally) are brand names for the injectable drug semaglutide which is a GLP-1 agonist which works by stimulating hormones that control appetite. They are appetite suppressants. See base of article for potential side-effects. Don’t buy weight loss either for …

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US approval expected for drug to extend the life of dogs

Large dog lived to old age thanks to LOY-001

This is a story about a drug which is said to extend the life of domestic dogs generally without tackling a specific disease. It’s a brand-new story as reported in The Times newspaper today and it caught my eye because the lives of domestic dogs very much need extending! 💕😊 RELATED: Anti-ageing drug rapamycin …

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Decriminalizing drugs is harmful to both pets and people

Decriminalizing drugs doesn’t work based on Oregon's and Portugal's liberal 'experiments'.

Although it sounds callous, I believe that drug addicts and alcoholics should not be cat owners. They are simply too unreliable. It depends on the standards of cat caregiving one is trying to attain but these should be high. Being drunk or high on drugs is incompatible with high standards of cat caregiving. Many …

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Siamese kitten tested positive for meth and amphetamine

Athena had an incredibly hard start to her life

NEWS AND VIEWS: I always comment on the news rather than simply repeating it as I must. I have to contribute something to it. No point just regurgitating it. And this story from America, from my perspective, highlights a problem with drug taking that is a big issue in America and other countries. Drugs …

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Anti-ageing drug rapamycin expected to extend the lives of dogs, humans (and cats!)

Rapamycin is being tested on extending the lifespan and health span of dogs, eventually humans and we must include cats.

Although the newspapers say that the anti-ageing drug rapamycin is being tested to extend the lives of dogs and possibly humans, I am going to state that if it works for dogs and humans it must work for cats. I must, therefore introduce cats into this article. It seems to be a kind of …

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