He claims he spent $500k on a baby tiger

Gavin Mayo on Twitter said: “I spent $500k on a baby tiger today. We are not the same”. Here is the video accompanying those words.

So, what do you think? Stupid show off unconcerned or too ignorant to realise that his very expensive tiger cub came from somewhere. What about the tigress-to-cub bond? That’s been broken good and proper.

The whole idea of owning a tiger cub is chronically bad. Carole Baskin in the United States has spent a large part of her career in stopping it and she has succeeded in the Big Cat Public Safety Act (see link at base of article). It applies to the US.

I don’t know where this was filmed and I am not sure we can believe him. Perhaps he bought the cub and fictitiously claimed that it cost half a million bucks. The amount is far more than the normal so I guess he made up the number. That’s my preferred assessment having considered it.

In the video after the one on this page he tells us that he bought a lighter for $7,000 followed by the same words “We are not the same”, which is his catch phrase.

I don’t get it. All I know is that it is wrong to have tiger cub on a lead as a pet in a flashy car. It shows disdain for the sentience of wild animals. It disrespects wild animals. It is treating them as assets and possessions. This human obsession with possession extends from inanimate objects like flashy cars to animals. They become the same thing in the mind of the possessor.

Wrong. As usual. What is also sad is that the tweet of the video gets millions of hits while any articles such as this one about animal welfare will get hundreds of hits at best. Probably a lot less.

That tells us the collective mindset of society. People don’t really care about animal welfare as a whole. They just want to be entertained to break the monotony of life. Anything will do including cute tiger cubs torn from their mums.

RELATED: Carole Baskin sums up the advantages of the Big Cat Public Safety Act, now US law.

Here he is in a still image from the video:

I spent $500,000 on a baby tiger today and we are not the same
I spent $500,000 on a baby tiger today and we are not the same. Screenshot.

The Backyard Tiger – Big Cat Public Safety Act will end big cat abuse

1 thought on “He claims he spent $500k on a baby tiger”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. It looks like he’s in Dubai at the zoo I see a reflection of a elephant in the window glass. What a moron. You can buy anything you want in Dubai even women and children. Everything is for sale there. They act so high and mighty there but they do not follow their religion they force on everyone else. Dubai is morally bankrupt….

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