Tiger stripes are unique to each tiger and excellent camouflage. INFOGRAPHIC.

For many the high contrast orange and black striped coat of the tiger looks like bad camouflage. How could nature have evolved this highly visible coat as camouflage? The infographic succinctly explains. Below it is some more detail. Yes, that’s correct! Each tiger has a unique pattern of stripes, much like human fingerprints. These …

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Success factors in human-raised tigers reintroduced into the wild. Infographic.

Here is an infographic which touches on a couple of essential factors in the successful reintroduction into the wild of tiger cubs orphaned in the wild and hand-raised by conservationists. And below is some more information to support the infographic which by necessity is a highly compressed summary of the process. I start with …

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Roundup of tiger conservation initiatives currently taking place (2024)

Tiger conservation efforts are extensive

Tiger conservation efforts are ongoing globally, with several significant initiatives reported: These initiatives reflect a concerted effort to protect and increase tiger populations, ensuring the survival of this iconic species. Sources: IUCN SOS, IUCN, Tigers Panda, Earth Brigade Foundation, Byjus, World Wildlife. Sources for the information below are extensive and all from the internet. …

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Sighting of very rare golden tiger in Indian reserve signals inbreeding and poor conservation

Rare mutant golden tiger in the wild in a tiger reserve in Assam, India which signals inbreeding and poor conservation to the point where the species is jeopardised in the wild.

The golden tiger is described as a “mutant” by Sarah Hartwell. They are the result of the “expression of recessive (hidden) genes [which] show up when there is too much inbreeding”. It takes inbreeding for the golden tiger to be created and this individual was spotted in the Assam Kaziranga National Park and Tiger …

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Albinism in cats infographic

albino cat eye color

This is an infographic which summarises albinism in cats. Rarely you will see albino wild and domestic cats. You will see quite a lot of people confusing cats that are completely white with blue eyes or odd-eye colour caused by the dominant white gene and albino cats with light-blue to pink eyes. The eyes are a good way to tell the difference. There are more articles with a reference to albinism below the infographic

Waracabra tiger

Waracabra tiger

The Waracabra tiger is a mystery big cat but in actuality it is the combination of South American bush dogs rummaging through the forest disturbing trumpeter birds who howl loudly! Please read on. KPN Shuker, is an expert on the mystery animals of the world and in carrying out ‘crypto-investigations’. His book, Mystery Cats …

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3-way cat hybrid: Maine Coon, American Curl and Siamese

3-way hybrid: Maine Coon, American Curl and Siamese

People are interested in domestic cat hybrids because they look different. This cat is basically a Maine Coon with curled back ears and some vague pointing on the coat. But when you look at the cat, he/she looks like a strange Maine Coon. The dominant feature is the huge Maine Coon muzzle and then …

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