Jesus the Lion of Judah

Jesus the Lion of Judah

by Bill

In a hypothetical lion versus tiger fight, I do not believe the Tiger would win… Your expert picks are not accurate.

During Tiger week on Animal Planet, an expert (it may have been Jeff Corwin?) said that the Lion would win. Clyde Beatty, the most famous big cat trainer stated the lion would win in a battle.

I could go on and on about how either would win, but simply enough, here’s how I know the Lion wins:

Jesus would be the Tiger of Judah if the Tiger was the most powerful. But He isn’t… He is the LION of Judah. Jesus doesn’t play for second best :).


Hi Bill…. thanks for your contribution. Sorry for the delay in publishing. I wasn’t sure whether to publish actually because it is too short. But I have changed my mind because it throws up a nice angle on the history of the lion.

I understand your well made point. An argument that I would not have thought about.

One aspect of your argument that you have possibly failed to spot is that the tiger never existed in the holy lands, whereas the lion very much did roam wild in the holy lands.

The lion was persecuted to extinction in Palestine in the 16th century. The tiger’s range or distribution is in Asia, the far east.

So, this begs the question as to whether the people of Palestine knew of the tiger. Probably yes, almost certainly yes but the lion would have been the top predator in the area and the natural choice for this title.

I have written about the lion of Judah on this page:

Lion of Judah Tattoo.

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Jesus the Lion of Judah

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Apr 28, 2011
Jesus, the lion of Juddah
by: Rudolph.A.Furtado

During the era of christ,the “Asiatic Lions” were numerous all over the middle-east while tigers were totally non-existent in the country’s conquered by the “Roman Empire”.Hence Jesus was called the “Lion of Juddah” and not the “Tiger of Juddah” as the Lion was the only top predator in the food chain in the “Roman Empire”.In Gladiatorial fights, it was the “Asiatic Lions” that were used, not the African lions, most abundant today as presumed by people. Ironically, today, in the 21st century, the “Asiatic Lion”, a totally different species from the “African lion” is totally extinct in the wild except in a tiny preserved forest in India called “Junagadh” in Gujarat state, preserved by the former Nawabs of Junagadh and now by the Governtment of India.

Apr 28, 2011
Tiger of Judah wouldn’t sound right
by: Ruth (Monty’s Mom)

I love your take on this, Bill. I’m a church organist, went to Lutheran school K-8th grade. Besides the obvious, as Michael says, that there probably weren’t tigers in the holy land I think Lion of Judah has a much better ring to it.

The name Michael means “the one who is like God.”

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