Keep your damn cats inside! Strays should be terminated!

The headline is what someone said to me. He (I’ll presume it is the male of the species who wrote this) must have read some articles on PoC and decided to have a go at me.

I would also bet my bottom dollar it was an American who made the comment.

How significant is this. Is it just a lone voice, some nutter having a rant at me? Or does this person represent a significant proportion of society in American or other countries? And is he right?

My reading of the present situation is that in America there is a completely different attitude to keeping a domestic cat from other countries.

In India for example the domestic cat roams freely. In places like Morocco, the same applies. The domestic cat is almost semi-feral or semi-domesticated. They are left alone by and large and the relationship is laissez-faire meaning easy going.

The UK is somewhat in between the USA and Asia. In the UK only a small number of people keep their cats indoors permanently. The focus in the UK is letting the cat act as naturally as possible. It is live and let live. There are dangers to this for the cat but in general people in the UK have decided that the benefits outweigh the dangers. Of course some people in the UK simply don’t use their head at all and ignore the dangers to the cat.

North America and the USA particularly is the exception strangely. A large percentage of cat “owners”, about 50% as I understand it, keep their cats permanently indoors. A significant percentage of people who don’t have cats also want cat owners to keep their cats indoors permanently – hence the headline comment.

So what is the driving force behind this sentiment? Obviously, it is harder for a domestic cat to live a natural life on carpets and with a ceiling overhead.

I am sure that most American cat owners would like their cat to live as natural a life as possible. There must be a trade off that makes indoor living worthwhile. Ultimately the benefits/advantages outweigh the disadvantages for full-time indoor cats. But are the benefit and advantages for the cat or the cat owner or both?

That is the big question. Do people in America keep their cats indoors permanently because they think it is better for the cat on health grounds or because they don’t want the cat bringing in disease that affects them. Or do cat owners in America keep cats indoor permanently to avoid having to worry about them? Is it about the person demanding and getting complete control over the cat. Is it a control thing or a concern thing?

It is probably a mixture of all these reasons. The fact that Americans declaw their cats in the millions indicates to me that their is a different attitude towards the domestic cat in the USA. The approach is more one of control, the cat being a lesser creature to do as the human wishes. The human being the boss. It is less laissez-faire; less live and let live and more we, humans, are in charge and you, the cat, will do as we say. It is a mentality.

Does that mentality show itself in other aspects of American life? And is that mentality one that is presented in the political sphere on the global stage?


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Keep your damn cats inside! Strays should be terminated!

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Feb 17, 2012
The truth is… NEW
by: Bernie

Okay Woodsman (here as anonymous), so there was too many cats on your property and you shot them all and had to fight with local animal groups over it. That’s why your blasting the internet with irrelevant studies and distorted calculations.

The reason cats are able to breed out of control on your land is because YOU killed all the coyotes, wolves, etc. Please don’t make cats out to be anything other than another creature in our ecosystem. The links you post citing studies about fleas, etc, are meaningless. All wild animals have fleas, ticks, etc.
People cannot just go around shooting everything that inconveniences them. And “cat-lovers” are not all lunatics. Though some are. (I prefer dogs myself). But what happens when my neighbor decides there’s too many owls bothering his chickens? Too many fish breeding in his river? Etc.

Most people who promote TNR are on the same side as you (trying to reduce cat populations). However, they realize that allowing people to just shoot them is a mistake because a large percent of people are simply ignorant jerks, who will abuse such rights.

Many of these cats are domestic cats that ignorant jerks have released. Also, there’s a lot of photos and videos online of feral cats being domesticated and making their owners very happy. An example:

Think ahead a bit… if TNR programs are allowed to continue and grow, eventually science will find a more effective way to mass sterilze cats (via biotech or perhaps some sort of dna-altering substances which can be fed to them and will not affect other species). This sort of breakthrough would drastically reduce the problem for you and “cat lovers” who just want to end their suffering. But the basic concept of TNR instead of shooting needs to continue for that pat

Feb 01, 2012
Dear Cat Lover HYPOCRITE
by: Anonymous

I suggest you scroll down and read the post titled “Destroying Cats Is NOT Hating Nor Fearing…..

Message to anonymous cat hater, have had your say. I have given you plenty of time and space to do that. It is time for you to go and stop insulting people and showing us what an arrogant and dogmatic person you are…I have deleted this comment. Make no more comments please unless it is polite, short and makes a decent point….Michael (Admin)

Feb 01, 2012
by: Leah England

I was going to comment but as I said before you’re a cowardly waste of space. If you can’t be bothered to state you’re name you’re not worth my valuable time.

Feb 01, 2012
To the anon cat hater
by: Cat lover

To wish any innocent animal a slow and painful death is disgusting!
Can you help it that you were born a human with human traits?
NO but your bigoted and cruel thoughts and actions are your own as humans have a choice.
Animals don’t,they act by instinct.
Thankfully most of the human race are NOT like you.
A cat can’t help it that it was born a cat.
Only sadistic humans like yourself delight in watching what you think of as “lesser” creatures suffering.

Karma awaits YOU one day!

Feb 01, 2012
by: Anonymous

“You must have heard the well circulated Gandhi saying:

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

It seems that if your method was adopted America would be seen as a morally bankrupted nation.”

Funny words coming from an animal torturing cretin who sees absolutely nothing wrong with their cats ANNIHILATING all the native wildlife wherever cats are found.

I always love it when a useless cat-lover plays up the pity-party when talking about how their invasive-species cat suffers terribly no matter how it dies. But NOT FOR ONE MOMENT do they consider all the native-wildlife that died by their useless disease-ridden cats. The wildlife’s guts hanging out as it dies an agonizingly slow death as a twitching play-toy. Or that small animal screaming in torment with more than half its skin ripped off by a cat. (Yes, I’ve found them in my woods this way, drawn to their screams. Then I’d have to muster all the strength in my heart that I could to instantly stomp the poor animal to death to put it out of its misery. That animal’s torment and suffering that was caused by the cat I saw running away. This is what people like YOU cause!) And as soon as all the “fun” has drained out of the cat’s play-toy, they go on and find another one to torture. This is no different than if cat-owners went to a pet-store and bought canaries and hamsters then threw them at their cats to watch their cats tear them apart for their amusement. Or all the native predators that slowly starved to death because the cats destroyed their ONLY food sources. (Which by the way, do not play with them before eating them. They kill their prey humanely. More humanely than any cat or cat-advocate has ever killed an animal.)

Shooting is too good of a death for a cat. Too quick and painless. By *_ALL_* rights, to make things perfectly even, cats should have to suffer a long and lingering painful death with half their skin torn off of them, as did all the animals that cats and their owners cruelly tortured to death. A good thing that I’m not as inhumane as all cat-lovers and cats, that’s why ALL their cats on my land get shot and die instantly instead of tortured.

Don’t try to drum-up sympathy for how a cat dies. No matter how it dies nor how long it takes to die, it’s far far more humane and respectful of life than anything that YOU and your damnable cats have done to all other life on this planet.

Feb 01, 2012
Fairfax is a LIE
by: Anonymous

Fairfax county has an estimated population of 54,950 feral-cats. (According to TNR advocates OWN resources.) Doing a 1-year population growth projection on them with a 90% survival and breeding rate of only 2-times a year (not 3 or 4 like they are capable of), this means in one year they’ll have about 797,464 feral-cats. This means approximately 2,185 NEW feral cats are being born EACH DAY from present population numbers.

They MUST trap and sterilize 2,185 cats PER DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK to just match their breeding rates. They must trap and sterilize MORE than this PER DAY to slow-down their breeding rates.

Now lets look at costs.

Trap/Fieldwork $50
Neuter/Spay $30
Physical Exams $40
Vaccinations $30
Estimated Cost of TNR in Fairfax, Virginia Per Cat $150

These are costs that must be diverted from their community by either volunteer hours, donations, or outright cash valued at $327,750.00 PER DAY ($119,628,750.00 yearly). Resources diverted (stolen by con-artists) into sterilizing invasive-species cats. And that’s just to match how many are being born per day, into perpetuity.

This also does nothing to stop them of why they don’t belong there in the first place — spreading deadly diseases, destroying wildlife, destroying property, an illegally released invasive-species, etc.

I suspect they can accredit their decline of feral-cats to all those people who are smarter and shooting or drowning any excess cats now. Because TNR methods have never worked — ANYWHERE.

Feb 01, 2012
by: Michael

My response to the 31st Jan anonymous comment. I think you are a person who has visited and commented before.

You have a tendency to show a deep seated hatred and aggression towards cats and a love for shooting your .22 rifle at cats. You seem to enjoy killing. Unpleasant and nasty.

Please read this article on a success story for TNR that you consistently denigrate:

You seem to be proposing that all 80 million feral cats in the USA be shot!

If the citizens of the USA did that the rest of the world would have a field day criticising America.

You must have heard the well circulated Gandhi saying:

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

It seems that if your method was adopted America would be seen as a morally bankrupted nation.

Jan 31, 2012
My name is Leah not anonymous because I want to be taken seriously.
by: Anonymous

I’ve read all the articles except the ones marked ‘anonymous’ The reason why I haven’t is all I see is blah blah blah and I really can’t be bothered. I especially can’t be bothered with gun toting cowards who haven’t the balls to put a name to their rantings.

Jan 31, 2012
Trapping = FAILURE
by: Anonymous

If you trap and kill, or trap and sterilize, you’ll ALWAYS have an unlimited supply of cats. I did the research. NO TRAPPING PROGRAM OF ANY TYPE HAS EVER BEEN ABLE TO TRAP MORE THAN 0.4% OF CATS IN ANY AREA. Even Oregon’s amazing 50,000 TNR’ed cats will, by the end of this year, have only trapped 0.35% of feral-cats in Oregon. Why is this? Because cats reproduce faster than you can EVER trap them. This is why trap and kill is just as much of a failure as trap and sterilize. From trying to use slow, inefficient, easily-outfoxed traps. This is why the phrase “hunted to extinction” is so well known across all cultures, across all lands. It is THE ONLY METHOD THAT IS FASTER THAN A SPECIES CAN OUT-BREED AND OUT-ADAPT TO. That is a painful FACT. We can no longer depend on the heartless and spineless beliefs of TNR advocates that want to torture all their cats to death over months and years, ALL their cats dying of their blinders-on “death by attrition”, while they also torture-to-death all native wildlife and spread deadly-diseases with their cats. ALL cats, stray or feral (
for strays are the source of all feral cats), must be humanely put to death far faster than can be trapped, whenever found away from safe and supervised confinement. A .22 does it every time. Outfit your rifle with a good illuminated-reticle scope and a laser-sight for an instant and humane kill. Especially helpful for the times of day when they are most active, dusk to dawn. It’s how I got rid of every last one on my land (and NO cats replaced them, cat-advocates’ “vacuum effect” is a bald-faced LIE). I did my unwanted and unpleasant job with 100% success on my land. Now it’s your turn to get rid of them on your land.

Jan 31, 2012
My Comment
by: Michael

There is one male cat hater in this thread. I hate you. You are unpleasant. I refer to your comments below.

Elisa makes a very good point and it is a point I have agreed with earlier. In the US there are far more wild animals than for example in the UK. These animals present a risk to the domestic cat who is outdoors.

Perhaps this argument, working backwards, facilitates the declawing of cats because if cats have to be kept indoors due to wild animal hazards outdoors, why not declaw your cat?

For me Lisa makes some smart points. I think what she is saying is that keeping a cat is a compromise. Why can’t a domestic cat’s environment be a compromise. Give them a nice safe enclosure attached to the house. If you can’t do that, no cat.

Jan 29, 2012 – The UK Is NO Role-Model – my response to this comment is, I agree that Britain destroyed large wildlife hundreds of year ago. But we are now trying to repair that to a certain extent. The USA is still hunting large wildlife (cougar for example). Is the USA hundreds of years behind the UK in respect of wildlife? No, but the UK has better animal welfare laws and while the USA declaws cats it cannot be taken seriously as a nation concerned with animal welfare. And while it deliberately slaughters millions of cat annually it cannot be taken seriously on cat and dog welfare.

Jan 29, 2012 The TNR Vacuum Effect LIE This person is your classic cat hater and shooter. He has some facts to hand. He knows a bit and he is smart but he hates cats and he likes guns. He cannot be relied upon to give a balanced sensible assessment. This is the kind of person I personally hate.

Zany TNR Math – this comment is wrong. Simple. He quotes maths etc. but his maths are wrong. You can’t calculate population of cats on simple maths. This is an oversimplification. See this post: How Fast Do Cats Breed. His comment should be ignored as a result.

Why do mentally-unbalanced and psychotic cat-advocates always presume that if someone is removing a highly destructive…. the same person made this comment and it is he who is mentally unbalanced in my opinion. Your language etc. indicates a massive hatred and anger and you just don’t get it. You never will.

Lola is a fine example of a decent women doing the right thing in a hostile world. I admire you.

Jan 31, 2012
people are cruel
by: kathy W

I agree these people are haters who just have to find something to hate. Hate is such a huge part of the American society. This person probaly was abused and just has to have something to hate. WE have a spay and stay operation in my area in Illinois, USA and we have adopted 2 of our cats sthrough this program. One was living in a abondoned house with her kittens and the other on wandered into our yard one day. They tip their ears and microchip them.
Thats how we found out where our 8 pawed cat came from. When they contacted her caretaker she said she could come back and live back under the porch, we said no and kept her. She is one of the most loving cats and loves my bf Jeff. She watches out the window when he leaves after shes already upset about him leaving, and hears his truck when he comes home. She always greets him at the door. My neighbor feeds a feral cat and they are the best of buddies.

Jan 30, 2012
by: Anonymous

Look up the term TNR advocates just LOVE to use on how they reduce their feral-cat numbers, their candy-coating feel-good term of “Death by Attrition”. This means that their cats will die from disease, cat-attacks, animal-attacks, exposure, road-kill, starvation, and any other means that drastically shortens cats’ lives. They don’t die from old-age, you know! ALL their cats suffering for how many months it takes to die that way. Just because they don’t see how that cat lies there, gasping for air, dying for days, after it’s been hit by a car or survived an animal attack means that it didn’t die inhumanely? Is that how it works with TNR advocates? They didn’t see it suffer to death so it didn’t suffer? Are they THIS self-deluded? A cat dying from poisoning is even more humane than a cat dying from TNR’s “attrition” (of which poisoning by any means; plant, snake, insect, or chemical; is one of the many methods that falls under the definition of “attrition”). In most parts of this country and the world TNR practices clearly falls under the guidelines for cruelty to animals, animal-abuse, animal-neglect, animal-endangerment, and animal-abandonment laws. Including being in direct violation of every invasive-species law in existence.

Let’s not forget how TNR advocates don’t hesitate to carve up cats with scalpels as well as cutting off parts of their ears, from which they have to heal-up for weeks before they try to survive again. As if letting them die of “attrition” wasn’t bad enough, TNR-advocates start them off by terrorizing them with traps, cages, and sticking knives into them first. (Which is also precisely why they can’t trap them a 2nd time to keep them vaccinated.)

Not only are they cruelly torturing cats, but also all wildlife they inflict their cats upon. Their cats literally ripping the skin off of and clawing the guts out of any wildlife to use it as an agonizingly and slowly dying twitching play-toy for their cats. And as soon as all the “fun” has drained out of their play-toy, they go on and find another one to torture. This is no different than if cat-owners went to a pet-store and bought canaries and hamsters then threw them at their cats to watch their cats tear them apart for their amusement. What about all the native predators that depend on all those animals for their ONLY food? Their cats cause all those animals to STARVE TO DEATH. TNR-advocates’ cruelty knows no bounds.

If you want to raise revenue for your towns and cities in order to deal with this invasive-species ecological-disaster properly and effectively, start charging all these TNR advocates with severe fines and imprisonment for CRUELTY TO ANIMALS AND VIOLATION OF INVASIVE-SPECIES LAWS.

They’re not doing this out of any goodness of their hearts. THEY DON’T HAVE HEARTS, nor minds. Proved, 100%.

Jan 30, 2012
Stray cats or keep inside
by: Lola

People who abuse animals of any kind by shooting, etc should be criminally prosecuted. Most of the things I read here are excuses to be cruel to the cat, that being said, I would suspect it to all animals. I have a large colony of cats and it costs me plenty to treat them with medications and to feed propertly but I do. I live on end of road in rural area so people drop their outgrown pets on me and then because I don’t believe in killing I have to pay for their past enjoyment that gave out ….not fair to anyone. I have had cats that had the feline leuk One lived to 16 years old, another 14–no problems. medications and proper care is the answer–of course all my cats have been spayed and don’t breed. don’t know if that makes a difference. I spend plenty of money on these cats. They roam free and don’t bother anyone. I feed 2x week meat to the cats and they don’t bother the birds or other animals. Excuses is no reason for cruelty and hatred for any animal–how would they like to be hated and gotten rid of because they have blond hair, black hair, large nose, or small nose….the same mentality applies to humans and animals alike. get real.

Jan 30, 2012
Destroying Cats Is NOT Hating Nor Fearing
by: Anonymous

Destroying cats is NOT a fear of cats nor even hating cats.

Why do mentally-unbalanced and psychotic cat-advocates always presume that if someone is removing a highly destructive, deadly disease spreading, human-engineered invasive-species from the native habitat to restore it back into natural balance that they must hate that organism? Does someone who destroys Zebra Mussels, Kudzu, Burmese Pythons, African Cichlids, or any of the other myriad destructive invasive-species in the USA have some personal problem with that species? (Many of which are escaped PETS that don’t even spread any harmful diseases, unlike cats.) Your ignorance and blatant biases are revealed in your declaring that people who destroy cats must somehow hate or fear cats. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It is people who spread a destructive invasive-species that tortures-to-death all other wildlife that have zero respect for life. They don’t even care about their cats dying a slow torturous death from exposure, animal attacks, diseases, starvation, dehydration, becoming road-kill, environmental poisons. etc., the way that ALL stray cats suffer to death. They don’t even respect their fellow human being. This speaks more than volumes about your disgusting character. People like you should be locked up in prison for life for your cruelty to animals. If you let cats roam free you are violating every animal-abandonment, animal-cruelty, animal-neglect, animal-endangerment, and animal-abuse law in existence. Not to mention being in direct violation of every invasive-species law worldwide.

If people DO hate cats today, have LEARNED to hate cats today, you have nobody but yourself and everyone just like you to blame. YOU are the reason people are now realizing that all excess cats must be destroyed. You’ve done so much to make people care about cats, haven’t you.


You can take that all the way to the next shot-dead cat’s grave.

Jan 30, 2012
I’d rather live in the UK
by: Mrs M

I’m not even going to attempt to read the bitter spiel written by an obvious cat hater.
I’m only going to say that in the UK we have plenty of wild life and birds and we DON’T have rabies!
We also have animal welfare laws and most people treat their cats with kindness and compassion.
We don’t boot them out the door to struggle to survive causing the problem of countless feral colonies.
We don’t have kill shelters to gas unfortunate cats and dogs to make room for more.
We don’t mutilate our cats by having their toe ends amputated or dress them up in stupid costumes or push them in prams.
We respect our animals.
I know which country I’d rather live in.

Jan 29, 2012
Zany TNR Math
by: Anonymous

Here’s how TNR-MATH works:

“In NYC there are currently 465 registered TNR colonies. When TNR began in these colonies, 6047 cats were present – today, there are 4523 cats present, a decline of approximately 25 percent.” (Quoted from an Alley Cnt Allies member who was SO proud of this.)

Apparently, if you TNR 4 cats and 3 die from being flattened by cars this is a 75% decline of feral-cats statewide.

Of those 6,047 cats they’ve only REDUCED the total by 1,524 cats, about 127 PER YEAR. That’s only 0.08% of the 1,806,310 feral-cats within the city’s limits. (data taken direct from TNR-advocates’ own resources)

Guess how many have been born IN JUST THE LAST 6 MONTHS (hoping like hell that they’re not breeding every 4 months). Let’s do the math…

(1/2 total = females) 903,155 X 5 (avg. number in a litter) = 4,515,775 NEW CATS. Which lowers the number of them that have been reduced by TNR idiots to only 0.024%. THEY ARE GOING BACKWARD.

Guess how many will be born in another 6 months? (4,515,775 / 2) X 5 = 11,289,438.

Remember. the first 903,155 females are still breeding. For another 4,515,775. Add in the pre-existing 1,806,310, bringing the grand total in just ONE YEAR to 17,611,523 CATS. Which means that TNR groups have only reduced the cat-population by 0.008% of them. That’s not even 1/100th of 1%.

Alley-Cat-ALL-LIES can’t even reduce cats in their own city, yet they promote it as a worldwide solution. Then even bigger fools fall for it and promote it.

[Note: this recursive calculation population-growth problem actually requires advanced calculus with many more variables and will result in differing numbers; some higher, some lower, depending on how many years you do the population-growth projection when using both methods; but the results are just as astoundingly large no matter which method you use. I only include the dumbed-down version here so those of you with at least half a brain can comprehend and do the math yourself. Besides, it doesn’t matter how many feral-cats are roaming free. If even ONE invasive-species cat is roaming free and has destroyed even ONE native animal, then that invasive-species cat must be destroyed. These numbers are only important to alert all others to how many cats must be destroyed and if they’ll ever have the financial resources to do so by using their preferred method. In most cases, every municipality must allocate anywhere from 1/10th to 1/2 $BILLION PER YEAR if employing TNR costs just to catch-up to their breeding rates — sustaining that expense YEARLY into perpetuity. Whereas shooting them results in costs substantially lower, in the range of $2,000 to $75,000 for 1 year. Which ends up being a ONE-TIME-EXPENSE. Something that is attainable by the tax-base in most every area.]

Jan 29, 2012
The TNR Vacuum Effect LIE
by: Anonymous

Lisa James

TNR-Advocates “Vacuum Effect” is an absolute 100% LIE (OR “The Deadly Cat-Attractor Equation”)

There’s an interesting study done by the Texas A&M University on TNR practices. They started out with about 12 sterilized cats. At the end of 9 months they had over 30. An increase of more than 200%, all moved in of their own volition. This isn’t due to any mythical “vacuum effect” that cat-advocates spread and lie about so often. For that to have happened you would have had to remove cats to create a vacuum for others to replace them. The exact opposite happened in this study.

Simple reason being: CATS ATTRACT CATS

Cat scents attract cats. This is why they spray everything, to attract mates and rivals and mark territory. Cat sounds attract cats. Mewing kittens will even attract stray toms who will kill the kittens if they are not their own (basic feline behavior of any cat species).

If you want more cats, keep some around. More will find you. Get rid of them all and there’s no reason for other cats to come to that area. I proved this myself by getting rid of every last cat on my own land. ZERO cats moved in to replace them.

Another interesting finding, sterilized cats do not defend their territory. Any new cats see this as easy-pickings and move in to take over. If that cat-colony is being fed then non-sterilized cats will actually overtake the sterilized colony’s food-source because the non-sterilized cats are not as docile and complacent.

The DEADLY Cat-Attractor Equation

Another fun kicker. Cats’ Toxoplasma gondii parasite they spread through their feces is meant to infect rodents. This cat-parasite alters the mind of any animal it infests (even humans). Any rodents infected lose their fear of cats and are attracted to cat urine. Not only do cats attract more cats, but they also attract more rodents to the area with their slew of flea-borne and other rodent diseases. If cats eat rodents then they contract those rodent diseases to spread those diseases to humans. The attractor-equation is not just CATS = CATS + CATS, it’s actually CATS = CATS + CATS + RODENTS + DISEASES.

TNR IS 100% FAILURE — no matter which way you try to spin that sorry hole-filled story.

ANY cat — stray, feral, sterilized, or fertile — is just a magnetic “seed cat”. No matter how they are there or in what state of reproductive-viability that they are in, you’ll attract and grow more of them. Even worse — then you attract cat-advocates that want to turn your life into a living hell too. They’re all part of the same life-destroying equation.

The FULL cat-attractor equation is actually: CATS = CATS + CATS + RODENTS + DISEASES + LIFE-DESTROYING CAT-ADVOCATES.

This is why you MUST destroy all cats on your land. So cat-advocates will never be able to control or rule your life ever again. It’s THAT simple.

I did it on my land. Now it’s YOUR turn.

Jan 29, 2012
The UK Is NO Role-Model
by: Anonymous

The reason there is the discrepancy between continents is that people in the UK have already destroyed most of their native wildlife. They could care less about preserving biodiversity nor even comprehend how important that is to the survival of all species — humans included. The UK is in no way any sort role-model on how to protect native species and rare and endangered wildlife. If we want the rest of the world to become just as sterile in species as exists in the UK, we need only follow their ignorant mentality.

Jan 29, 2012
Selfish cat hater
by: Ruth

Whoever wrote that is a selfish cat hater for wanting the cats to suffer.
I think a lot of people in the USA treat their cats as possesions rather than as a member of the family. Also the vets there encourage that way of thinking by pandering to their clients ‘owners’ as most people who have their cats declawed see themselves. The vets don’t think of the cats as their clients or they would do what was right for them, not what their ‘owners’ want, especially in their convenience declawing.
Having said that, there are many true cat lovers there too as I’ve found out since coming to PoC and helping in the battle to educate and ultimately stop declawing.
There are people who would love to let their cats live the natural life with freedom to fulfill them, but living in dangerous places they can’t do that. The true cat lovers make it up as best they can to their cats by making an indoor life as fulfilled as is possible, with lots of attention, games, kitty grass etc. Better still by also providing some sort of outdoor enclosure so the cats can at least smell fresh air and feel the sun on their fur.
I don’t know many people here who keep their cats indoors, we never have in 37 years but have always ensured we live in cat friendly safe places and will continue to do that as long as we have the pleasure of cats in our home.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jan 29, 2012
Indoors vs. Outdoors
by: Lisa James

I have to agree with Elisa. In the UK there is no rabies because it is an encapsulated environment. Here in the US, we have rabies, plus the outdoor/stray/feral populations carry incurable diseases such as feline leukemia/feline infectious virus. One is very easy to pass from cat to cat, the other is not. Having personally had a feline leukemia scare in my own home, with a rescue cat that was an indoor/outdoor bringing it in & giving it to one of my rescue kittens,causing the kitten to die a month after testing positive, & the young adult becoming very sick & we had to put her down, then having to quarantine my whole household of cats & test every cat that lives here twice, once right after the kitten popped positive, then again 6 weeks after.

I absolutely detest people who declaw. It is in my rescue contract that my cats/kittens are not allowed to be declawed, & it is in my sales contracts for my pedigreed cats/kittens that they are not allowed to be declawed. I think people who declaw quite honestly don’t NEED a cat, they need a stuffed cat to sit on their couch & look cute, because they are inherently LAZY cat owners who don’t care about the cat’s welfare.

It is also in my contracts that my cats/kittens, whether they be rescues or pedigreed, that they are not permitted to free roam outside. However, if the person has a sunroom, covered pool deck, screen room, lanai, etc where there are screens/windows between the cat & outdoors, the cat is absolutely allowed to go out there to enjoy fresh air.

Rabies is carried here by bats, raccoons, opossums, other cats, dogs, etc. Plus, at least here in the South, where I live, we have large birds of prey, owls, hawks for instance, that can easily make off with a cat/kitten, unless it’s a large tom. We also have poisonous snakes, frogs, toads, & lizards.

Not to mention unbelievably sick & cruel people who hate the strays & ferals because they use their yards & flower gardens, etc as litter boxes, as well as childrens’ sandboxes & play areas. What parent of a small child wants their child to play where a cat has used the bathroom? It’s gross, as well as being very unhealthy for the child, as there are many things that a cat can pass TO a child, such as worms, and fungus like ringworm.

However, Nature abhors a vaccuum, & if the stray/feral population is eradicated in one neighborhood, you’ll just have more from neighboring areas move IN. It’s MUCH better to support TTNR efforts, trap, test, neuter, return, as a static population will keep itself in check, they won’t be reproducing, they will help keep the disease carrying rodent population down, which is beneficial to both the cats & the humans.

Jan 29, 2012
cats shot
by: Elisa

We allowed Gizzy to go out until hunters came to the woods. Now its too dangerous. I have heard of 2 cases of leg amputations on cats who were purposely shot. People in the US who don’t like cats dislike them for many reasons. I have an aunt who hates for a cat to walk on her car. Cats enjoy this. I don’t have a problem with it. I’d love for mine to be able to go outside but with bobcats, coyotes, packs of dogs, wolves, foxes, skunks and raccoons it isn’t safe. And remember we have rabies here too. I do know of people who feed ferals behind fast food places.

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