Love Our Feral Cats

Love Our Feral Cats

(Upstate SC)

We have one indoor kitty, almost 3 years old, that was found on the side of the road in a bag, almost dead. his brothers and sisters already were.

About a year after taking in Rocky (yes, because he’s a fighter), a stray female cat showed up in our neighborhood, which several neighbors, me and my husband included, started feeding.

I’ll try to make a long story short. Kittens came and came. I contacted our humane society and their policy is if they are outdoor strays (feral) they euthanize them with no attempt to adopt.

Asked if they had a TNR program and they don’t; nor are there any in our area. Well, we TNR’d, over a 4 month period, 9 cats (at our own cost), which was the original momma kitty and the litters that came from her.

Today there are 6 of the 9 remaining and all are as sweet as ever. It’s expensive, but it is a choice that we made. We cut back on our weekly out to dinners to pay for their food. And I worked extra hours to pay for the neutering. I feel better having done this, but also know this is not the choice everyone can make.

I found this site while searching for info on cats and cold temperatures. But I think our feral cats should be okay. We had previously set up outdoor cat igloos and have now lined them as suggested, with straw.


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Love Our Feral Cats

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Dec 08, 2010 Thank you
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Cindy. As it has often been said here on PoC, cats don’t choose to become ferals, but have ended up in that situation because of the failure of humans. There ought to be free TNR-programs everywhere, but unfortunately that is not the case.
You are good people paying for it out of your own pockets and I admire you for that. Thank you all the good you’ve done for the poor ferals. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Dec 05, 2010 Nice work
by: Michael

Thanks for visiting and telling your story about feral cats. A lot of people argue that they have to abandon their cat because they can no longer afford to keep him or her due to the recession.

Your story is the exact opposite, it seems to me and it proves that it can be done if there is real commitment. I admire you for what you have done.

Michael Avatar

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