Skookum Cat

Skookum cat

The Skookum cat is one of the dwarf cats of which there are no less than thirteen breeds.

All are created by crossing cat breeds with normal legs with the founding dwarf cat, the Munchkin. The mutant gene that produces the dwarfism is dominant.

The Skookum is a cross between the Munchkin and the LaPerm cat breed. The LaPerm is one of the Rex cat breeds with a curly coat so it is no surprise that this cat, as the above picture clearly shows, is a short legged curly coated cat. The rex type fur is low shedding.

There is the notable disparity in leg length, the hind legs being noticeably longer than the forelegs.

An interesting subject is the naming of this cat breed. Roy Galusha created the Skookum in 1990s and he explains the naming of the breed on this page: The dwarf cat and the origin of the breeds.

Skookum dwarf cat

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In brief, the name Skookum was carefully considered by Roy and this an an extract from the story behind the name:

“……A local Native American word that comes from the Chinook language and was part of the Chinook Trade Language was Skookum (pronounced Skoo Kum). The word Skookum means mighty, powerful or great. It is also used to signify good health or good spirits. If someone really likes something, they might refer to it as being really skookum (“Boy that apple pie is skookum”) or if you really like a horse (“that is one skookum horse)….”

Skookum cat

The middle cat is a Skookum kitten. I’ve lost the credit – please notify me. Unfortunately, the naming of this cat became a contentious issue with TICA. They thought that it could translated to mean “scary monster”.

The Skookum cat is registered with the Dwarf Cat Association and TICA as an experimental breed.  This breed is also recognized by the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry and as a new breed by Catz Incorporated the New Zealand National Registry for Cats.

The dwarf cats generally are agile athletic cats despite their short stature. They have a cobby body conformation. If you wish you can read lots more about the dwarf cat breeds by clicking on this link: Dwarf Cats and Miniature Cats. There are links on that page to the other dwarf cats.

Here’s some more information on the cats that make the Skookum cat:

LaPerm cat
This is a well established curly haired cat that is either short or longhaired. The above link takes you to a comprehensive discussion on the breed.

The founding dwarf cat and a popular and well known dwarf cat. The link takes you to some fine Helmi Flick photographs and a full description.

From Skookum cat to Home page

Photo center of page: Permission granted by image author and owner of cat in photo, Beth Fillman, for the promotion of education.

P.S. This page has been re-dated to 14th Dec 2018. It was written in around 2008.

20 thoughts on “Skookum Cat”

  1. OMG ok, so i want to know if there are any places i can get s Skookum in New York, and IF so, whats the price range? I’ve been DYING to have a Skookum ever since i saw them featured on Cats 101. ^.^ they are so extremely unique, i would also like to know if I could breed them and how hard it would be, also WHAT breeds i would have to get to make Skookums.

  2. Nice to hear from you again Roy. I am pleased you are OK. Thanks for replying to Crystal’s comment. And thank you too, for being helpful and friendly yourself. Best of luck for the future.

  3. Crystal,

    The only person I know who may be breeding Skookums is Beth Fillman on Long Island, NY. I met Beth a number of years ago, she had a very clean and efficient cattery. Her cattery name is Calico Rose. She is listed on several web sites. I know there were several other breeders and if you search on the internet you may be able to locate them. I don’t know if you can contact TICA and if they will refer anyone.

    We stopped breeding a number of years ago. We got tired of the politics and chose not to continue trying to work with TICA. The last dealing I had with TICA was when I choose to represent the Skookum in New York at the TICA Annual meeting. I had put a breed proposal together, TICA accepted the proposal to go on the agenda. I flew from Washington State to New York with some Skookums to show in the presentation. TICA established the Experimental category at that meeting and decided that they were not going to hear my proposal after I arrived.

    The tabby at the top of the page (his name was Winky) was as close to the standard as we could get. I am not sure if the standard has been changed or not, as we have not bred in about 7 – 8 years. We altered the last of our Skookums and let them live out an old age on the farm.

    I found the Skookum is a very enjoyable cat. They are very friendly and outgoing. Ours would greet everyone at the door, whether they knew them or not. They got that personality from the LaPerms.

    Also, Michael, I remember our conversation a number of years ago. I found you to be real receptive and friendly. Thank you for your continued support of the Skookum.

    Roy Galusha

  4. Hi Crystal. Thanks for visiting. You probably know that Roy Galusha in the USA created the Skookum. I wrote this page about 5 years ago. I have lost track of him although at the time I wrote the page I was in contact with Roy. The Skookum is an experimental breed. As far as I know there is only one breeder: Roy Galusha and he may have stopped. Probably has in fact. If I were you I’d google the Dwarf Cat Association, TICA and Roy Galusha and make contact with them if you can. It is just possible that Roy may have a cat to sell. But this cat breed must be extremely rare. I feel that you will be lucky to succeed in adopting a Skookum but it is possible. Good luck.

  5. We are very very interested in the skookum kitty you have on your website that I filled out this commentary on. If you are able to give me any information on how to purchase the skookum, it would be very much appreciated.

    Crystal Ramon

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