It is legal in Britain to swing piglets against a concrete wall

Piglets are being abused on British farms

I mean this news story beggars belief for me. It makes me very angry. It is about a failure of animal welfare generally and concerns a story that Tesco has suspended a pig farmer because the piglets were raised in abysmal conditions. Some secret video footage emerged showing far workers at Cross Farm in …

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Socially intelligent and emotionally sensitive pigs are relentlessly abused at factory farms

Pigs are sophisticated and smart

For me, and for many thousands of others, the relentless and heartless abuse of pigs throughout their lives is baffling and depressing. How can humankind be so heartless and ignorant? Well, we can and often are. Look at the pathetic ignorance and selfish behaviour behind global warming. Humankind in 2022 does not give a …

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