Cashmere is considered unethical and problematic for animal welfare. Infographic.

Below the infographic there is some useful information 😊😉 on alternatives to buying cashmere which I know is very popular as people love its softness. Is there an alternative that is as soft as cashmere? See below…. Why cashmere production is a form of animal abuse. Infographic. by Michael Broad Yes! There are several …

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Donald Trump’s sketchy track record on animal welfare bodes ill for the future

Animal welfare is not his priority

Donald Trump is the new President. I am interested in animal welfare. What was Trump’s track record during his last presidency in bringing new initiatives to the table on animal welfare in America and across the globe? Answer below the image. Donald Trump’s presidency had a mix of actions that impacted animal welfare, both …

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Domestic cats can associate words with visuals. Infographic.

Cats link words/human sounds with images/objects/visuals

The research seems to show that cats can assign a meaning to a word in minutes. Moreover, they did this without special training or the prospect of being rewarded, which mirrors how infant humans learn languages. – The Times newspaper Oct 24, 2024. This Japanese study confirms what observant cat caregivers know namely that …

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Kamala Harris is an animal champion. Donald Trump has a poor record on animal welfare

On animal welfare Kamala beats Donald hands down

There are millions of animal advocates in America. If they are not strong animal advocates, they at least are sensitive to the sentience of animals and concerned about their welfare. They don’t like animal abuse or cruelty. And therefore, animal welfare, I would argue, plays a role in the presidential election race. And if …

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Badger vaccination effective against Bovine TB after 230,000 have been shot

Vaccination of badgers against Bovine TB works

Since 2013, it is believed that around 230,000 badgers have been killed in extensive culls across the UK to tackle Bovine TB according to the Badger Trust an organisation opposed to the culling. The UK government which has insisted on the badger culling at all stages estimates that between 70% and 90% of badgers …

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It is legal in Britain to swing piglets against a concrete wall

Piglets are being abused on British farms

I mean this news story beggars belief for me. It makes me very angry. It is about a failure of animal welfare generally and concerns a story that Tesco has suspended a pig farmer because the piglets were raised in abysmal conditions. Some secret video footage emerged showing far workers at Cross Farm in …

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Personal pronouns for nonhuman animals should be “he/she/they” and “who”

The love of all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man

The Humane Society of the United States’ internal style guide has long recommended that staffers refer to animals has “he/she/they” and “who”. An effort is also underway to call on the Associated Press to update its style guide’s recommendation on the use of personal pronouns for nonhuman animals. Shelter and rescue communications can help …

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Two changes to the American Constitution needed (infographic)

Two changes to the US Constitution needed

Two changes to the US constitution are needed as set out in the below infographic BUT the changes will never happen. Well, the first suggestion might and should happen as America can do better than have a president who is a convicted felon of the type that severely questions his honesty and integrity (falsifying …

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