What are britches on a cat?

People ask about britches on a cat. The use of language concerned with Western clothes and applying it to the appearance of cats is quite common amongst cat breeders. Personally, I don’t like it. The ‘ruff’ is another term. I think the word ‘britches’ when applied to a cat is actually slightly misleading.

The word should be ‘breeches’. Breeches are half-length, slightly baggy trousers from days gone by e.g. the 19th and 18th century and earlier. This type of trouser (pants in America) matches the description of ‘britches’ in medium long-haired cats with longer fur on the upper half of the hind legs above the hock. The picture shows this.

Britches on a cat
Britches on a cat

Today ‘britches’ means trousers in general as well as shorter length trousers. It would appear that the word ‘britches’ derived from ‘breeches’ and then the meaning changed somewhat in the 20th and 21st century.

An alternative to britches on cats is pantaloons. This indicates that the word is meant to come from fashion of previous centuries. This supports what I have written namely that cat breeders should have chosen the word ‘breeches’ to describe the long hair on the top half of a cat’s hind legs rather than britches.

4 thoughts on “What are britches on a cat?”

  1. Interesting…My dad used to use the word “britches” referring to any kind of “pants.” I didn’t know it was actually from the word “breeches.” Whichever, my cat has them.

  2. That’s so funny! I never knew that a correct term is pantaloons. I’ve always called the fluffy hair on the upper rear legs just that: pantaloons. To me, that fits best.

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