The only wild cat species breeding and living in Wisconsin is the American bobcat. It is believed that the occasional mountain lion a.k.a. puma wonders through Wisconsin from the west looking for a piece of the landscape that he can call his own. These will be young males dispersing from their mother’s territory having become independent. Although, this must be a very rare event because it is a very long way to travel. I do recall, however, that one male was discovered travelling this far. The puma once roamed throughout Wisconsin but they were exterminated in the east of the USA through hunting. At one time they were considered pests and shot on sight but now they are protected to varying degrees depending on which state you live in. You can still hunt mountain lions with dogs in some states. In 2015 it was estimated that there were around 3,500 bobcats in Wisconsin with represented an increase in numbers from 1,600. An analysis of bobcat population size in Wisconsin was published in 2018. It says that 6,488 bobcat were killed for their pelts between 1983 and 2015. The scientist, Nathan M Roberts, concluded that the bobcat population in Wisconsin was stable in 2018. The study was carried out to reassure people involved in “harvesting” the bobcat for its fur. The man seems to have achieved that aim.
Hey robin I think saw the same type of wild cat walking around my neighbors like one month ago it was night already here in madison Wisconsin south side
Thanks Robin, I’d be intrigued to know what that cat is. Sounds like a wild cat hybrid pet actually such as an F1 Savannah. My guess. There are no wild cats with that description in Wisconsin but tell me more please!?
We live in Northern Wisconsin. Washburn county. We see Pumas here occasionally. Today I saw another type of wild cat with a long tail, he did not look like a house cat. He was larger and his coloring was different. Reddish brown with black and dark brown specks. I am trying to find out what I saw.