The Australian government, authorities and experts bombard their citizens and the rest of the world with Armageddon-like stories of the decimation of their native wildlife by their hated feral cats. They have been doing this for decades.
Their so called experts say that 30 mammal species in Australia have become extinct in 200 years, the worst record of any country (they say) and that the loss of 20 of these species can be put down to the presence of cats (Professor Woinarski – Charles Darwin Uni).
Australia Wildlife Conservancy say there are 15 million feral cats. Others quote 18 or 20 million. They’re all guesswork.
No one has a clue really as to how many feral cats there are in Australia. There may only be 5-8 million. When the experts guess that each feral cat kills 5 animals a night making a grand total of 20 billion per year they are piling guesswork upon guesswork.
The point I am making is that it is obviously impossible to know the impact feral cats are having on native species if they don’t know the number of feral cats.
As far as I am aware no one has done an accurate study at any time. What seems to have happened is that supposition and guesswork has conveniently be transformed into fact over the years. So much for scientific rigour.
It is probably impossible to work out the number of feral cats and therefore impossible to work out their impact on native species.
Figures are bandied around willy-nilly without any reference to the impact the human-animal has upon native species.
You could even argue that if the feral cat has made extinct some native species it is not the fault of the cat but people who imported the domestic cat to the continent in the first place to, I presume, control rat populations. There are no wild cat species in Australia.
However which way you dice and slice the stats the problem of native species extinctions on the Australian continent is due to people and the sooner the authorities accept that and start to blame themselves the better because they can then ditch the idea of trying to do another impossible thing, namely exterminate the feral cat and start the long road to gradually diminishing the population humanely through government funded TNR.
Visitors are almost automatically stressful for cats. Not always though but strangers are stressful. They disrupt the place.
Hi Michael Thank you. Hope you are well. Things are abit busy here for the Cats at Home. I have had a Visitor for the Last two weeks will be happy when shes gone On tuesday I hope. Then the Cats will be much happier. 🙂
I have deleted a lot of the comments and he has been banned under this pseudonym. I am sorry to have upset people by letting him comment.
Yea im agreement with what ruth said. I don’t particular like Woodys comments all the time. Its one reason why I don’t come here as much.
I think you are right about Woody (I have just noticed some more rude comments). I was trying to educate him to be polite and think straight 😉 Not much chance there…
I agree Michael, they don’t know how much ferals are affecting wild life, they just guess and then exaggerate it to blacken the name of cats further.
They fail to see that humans themselves are the culprits, they caused the problem and then blame the innocent victims, the cats!
Cat haters need to look to themselves for the cause of the decline of wild life.
I don’t read Woody’s rants any more, not even skim them now, it’s become totally repetitive and far from convincing people he is right he was sounding more depraved with every comment.
I can’t think what he is doing on a cat lovers site apart from wasting space, it has ceased to be funny.