True or false? Cat owners are more neurotic than ‘resilient’ dog owners?

Is this study inadvertently misogynistic by inference?

Another study, this time from Australia (the country where they hate feral cats), concluded that dog owners have a personality which allows them to better bounce back from stressful situations i.e. they are more resilient than cat owners who they conclude are more likely to be neurotic (‘demonstrating higher levels of neuroticism’). Let’s have …

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Blowing up rabbits to get rid of feral cats in Australia

Called ‘rabbit warren ripping’ it is blowing up a lot or rabbits to try and remove a prey animal of the feral cat

The latest wheeze by the Australian authorities to keep down the feral cat population on their continent is to blowup rabbits and their homes. Rabbits are a prey animal for feral cats and the argument is that if you destroy rabbits you destroy feral cats because they might starve to death which I think …

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19,000 Australian brumbies are being cruelly culled

The brumbies of NSW are being mass culled in a cruel way

RELATED: Australian authorities violate animal welfare laws every day This is a cross post. And I am expressing my opinion on this news story, please note, as I feel I must. It’s an important story for people concerned with animal welfare. It’s an important story for people concerned about protecting animals from cruelty. And …

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Geelong ramps up sunset cat curfew to 24-hour confinement

Cat confinement

I’m looking at the minutes of a council meeting for the City of Greater Geelong dated 27 February 2024. It’s a meeting in which the council members discussed the ramping up of a cat curfew order enacted on 1 July 2009 two a full-blown cat containment order which will come into effect on 1 …

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Australian cats convicted of serial killing to be imprisoned in perpetuity

The domestic cat as a criminal to be imprisoned in Australia

Banning domestic cats from public places in all Australia is now a distinct possibility. The war by the authorities against free-roaming domestic cats and feral cats in Australia has been relentless and it is having an effect on the attitudes of the citizens. The vast majority support confining cats to the home all the …

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A majority of Australians are in favor of domestic cat containment

Domestic cat in a sparsely furnished modern home which has not been made mentally stimulating for the cat

The perennial issue of cat containment in Australia has resurfaced. The Conversation, in collaboration with Monash University, conducted a study to gauge the support among 3,400 participants for cat containment policies. These policies would mandate that cat owners confine their pets to their property, presumably indoors or within a designated outdoor enclosure. The study …

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‘Massive’ black cat runs through field near Tamworth, NSW, Australia

Large black cat probably domestic or feral runs through a field near Tamworth NSW Australia captured on video – this looks like one of those super-feral cats that the Aussie authorities talk about so much and which scares them to death as they take native species. — Michael Broad (@Michael_Broad) May 1, 2024 Note: Click on the Twitter image to see the video. It does not play as a video on …

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In Australia if you kill foxes feral cat numbers increase in places where these ‘pests’ are sympatric

In Australia where the fox and feral cat are sympatric if you poison foxes to death with bait the feral cats tend to do better and kill more prey animals

The Conversation website boldly states that “baiting foxes can make feral cats even more brazen”. That statement is based on a study of 1.5 million camera traps photographs taken in forests of Australia. They studied the photographs by hand. ‘Sympatric’ – where wild animals live in the same area or their distribution overlaps. Is …

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