Caboodle Ranch Is Cat Heaven

by Elisa Black-Taylor

Cat heaven or cat lovers heaven?

Cat heaven or cat lovers heaven?

Cat heaven or cat lovers heaven? Feeding time Main camp Don't they look happy?!!

Good morning readers. Can anyone tell me how many cats are in the photo above? I don't know, but it's great to see so many cats together. I'm not sure if this is cat heaven or cat lovers heaven. Perhaps a bit of both. Today I'd like to tell you about Caboodle Ranch located in Lee, Florida.

Caboodle Ranch is a non-profit cat rescue unintentionally founded by Craig Grant in 2003. It is home to more than 600 cats who permanently reside there. This is their forever home after coming from a world that just didn't see them for the magnificent cats they all are.

This cat heaven has been mentioned a few times on and a donation made to it from PoC. A place like this deserves another visit. I love to spread good cat news and this is one of the best.

I loved reading Craig's story on how Caboodle Ranch came into existence. He started out with one cat (don't we all) named Pepper. Pepper wasn't his cat. It was his son's and they were living in a two bedroom condo. Craig's son left him in care of this one cat who happened to be pregnant. After the kittens came along and he spent time becoming a future cat-man, Craig learned not everyone loved cats. Complaints started coming from his neighbors and he realizing after finding one of his cats had been shot with a B.B. gun it was time to find a new home.

His new love of cats took Craig to his son's property where he built a shed for the cats, and then on to what is now Caboodle Ranch. Since that time, his project has grown into the most amazing cat habitat I've ever seen.

Caboodle Ranch is located 100 miles west of Jacksonville in Lee, Florida on 30 acres of woodland. Craig and his 11 cats moved there the day after Thanksgiving in 2003. He bought an office trailer and built cat beds inside to make this a comfortable shelter for his cats. He also moved the shed he'd built at his son's place onto the property and made a cabin out of it.

The cats didn't go for the officer trailer idea. The cats all wanted to sleep with Craig in his cabin! So he moved everyone into the office trailer since it was the larger of the two.

By the spring of 2004 he was the very happy owner of 22 cats. Some came from shelter cages where they'd spent the majority of their cat lives. Others he found at construction sites he worked on as a contractor.

It's here the cats make their home in the middle of 100 acres of wildlife. The cats are protected from wildlife by a 7 foot heavy duty chained link fence that surrounds the first 7 acres of the ranch. This will be extended as funds provide until the entire 30 acres are enclosed.

Craig is trained to provide veterinary care to the animals. He can administer medications, IV fluids and vaccines. Every morning at feeding time he does a head count and checks to make sure his large family is in good health.

Before I tell you about the cat village, I'd like to tell you a few things about Craig and Caboodle Ranch and how they operate. Cats from all over the U.S. are flown into Florida and Craig picks them up from the airport (always after 7 p.m. due to the heat). Anyone who wants to turn over a cat is expected to pay a $150 fee, but half of the fee can be paid in cat food. For those who don't have the money, volunteering at the ranch is an option. Craig says he can always use help in feeding and caring for the cats.

It takes more than 100 pounds of dry cat food per day, plus 5 cases of large canned food per feeding. Please see their website page on ways to donate to their organization. Purina helps all they can, but food and money donations are always welcome.

One method of donation listed on their site really caught my attention. The ranch purchases cat food from PetSmart and Wal-Mart and suggested sending them gift cards from these stores. I'd never thought of this idea and think it would be a great idea to use with local shelters.

Craig has been approved to care for his furry residents by both the Tallahassee Humane Society and the Tallahassee/Madison County Animal Control. The two organizations have visited Caboodle Ranch and assures the public he isn't a cat hoarder. All of his animals are up to date on shots and very well loved.

There is no set maximum number for how many cats can live there. Craig does make sure all cats who live there are spayed/neutered and up to date on shots. No cat will be turned away. There are over 600 cats there now (Sept. 2010) because of those sent there, plus all that Craig has rescued over the years.

Craig also has a plan put into place to run Caboodle Ranch should he become ill and no longer able to spend the hours necessary to maintain the ranch.

Now for the part I can't wait to show all of the cat lovers out there. I wish I could live and work there because this is truly cat heaven. Craig has built a cat village. These cats are so lucky! The first photo for this article is all of the cats at a Thanksgiving dinner. These cats and the people who care for them are awesome.

I've listed the YouTube page link at the end of this article because there are many Caboodle Ranch videos there. Happy watching. Invite your cats to watch with you.

Animal Planet has even jumped on board to showcase this wonderful cat haven. The premiere episode of their new show Must Love Cats is about Caboodle Ranch. This will be on TV in January 2011.

There is a fundraiser being held for a cat infirmary. The actual building is $4800, with another $3900 to get it up and running. So far $2500 has been raised for this project. This building will give Craig a place to sleep with the kitties who are sick and need him most. Right now he has to hunt down the cats needing treatment and this would give him more control over caring for the sick. Have any of you ever tried to find a sick cat in the dark? Craig has. The infirmary building would make caring for the sick kitties so much easier. More on this project can be found here.

I hope the readers at PoC will pass the word around about this wonderful man and his cat family. I've included lots of references to this great cat community. Not as homework, but for entertainment and knowledge.

Caboodle Ranch is truly a remarkable place founded by a remarkable man who quickly grew to love cats once he had one of his own.

Have a great day everyone!


Elisa wrote an updating page on this subject: Caboodle Ranch Heaven or Hell - you might like to join the debate. There are a lot of comments!


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Caboodle Ranch Is Cat Heaven

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Feb 28, 2012
Cat Caboodle..slow death NEW
by: Anonymous

They are confiscating those cats now so if you have one there you may want to arrange pick up if its still living. Very sad conditions looking at the news.

Feb 18, 2012
I am astounded NEW
by: Anonymous

I think this dude is awesome! I would love to have enough money to take care of as many cats as i want!! And I really want to visit Caboodle Ranch now!!!! I wonder if he lets people adopt from him, because i need a kitty and I just bet there would be at least one perfect cat there for me. I look up to this guy, forreal. There's not a lot of generous people that would just take in a bunch of stray cats.

Apr 03, 2011
by: Anonymous

...i read your comments, my "real" name is vicki cline... and yes i've been to caboodle ranch numerous time... each time have found nothing but love for these cats, and the cats are very happy, you all are idiots, don't know why i waste my time responding to your webisite.. please get a life... do someting useful, and stop spreading lies, about caboodle.. craig is looking after God's creaturs, otherwise would have been put down or starved to death, he has provided a great place for homeless cats.. sorry you don't see that..

Apr 02, 2011
caboodle ranch
by: vicki cline

i rate this page 5 stars because i'm telling the TRUTH about CABOODLE.

you know i have visited caboodle ranch many times and me and my friend have taken several homeless cats there, ..they were living under shrubs at our work. i have never seen anything but love for the cats there, all the cats are very a happy there. yes, no rescue is perfect, they're going to experience sickeness, ..but we've never seen anything like you have have to remember, most of the cats there would have been put down, or died from starvation, homeless, craig has provided a wonderful place for these cats, they have freedom to explore and live out their lives, and if they had a "people" voice they would tell you the same thing, ...they told us the last time in their "kitty" voice how happy they were. its terrible and shameful all the lies that are being told about caboodle ranch.. i would much rather have a cat go there than be put down.... all i've seen there were happy cats, each time i have visited, the cats are in the tree houses, lounging in the special grass that craig has planted for them to nibble on, they're in there little houses, they run to greet you at the gate, very loving kitties, there is running water, food, ... if i were a cat i would love it there. so please STOP THE LIES....

Apr 02, 2011
caboodle ranch
by: vicki cline

you know i have visited caboodle ranch many times and me and my friend have taken several homeless cats there, ..they were living under shrubs at our work. i have never seen anything but love for the cats there, all the cats are very a happy there. yes, no rescue is perfect, they're going to experience sickeness, ..but we've never seen anything like you have have to remember, most of the cats there would have been put down, or died from starvation, homeless, craig has provided a wonderful place for these cats, they have freedom to explore and live out their lives, and if they had a "people" voice they would tell you the same thing, ...they told us the last time in their "kitty" voice how happy they were. its terrible and shameful all the lies that are being told about caboodle ranch.. i would much rather have a cat go there than be put down.... all i've seen there were happy cats, each time i have visited, the cats are in the tree houses, lounging in the special grass that craig has planted for them to nibble on, they're in there little houses, they run to greet you at the gate, very loving kitties, there is running water, food, ... if i were a cat i would love it there. so please STOP THE LIES....

Mar 11, 2011
To Pat
by: djcat

Pat, I can attest to the horrors others have seen at Caboodle Ranch as I was just there Feb 2011. The reason many don't put their real name on this board is because Craig has threatend lawsuits. If you want the names of those who have come forward with their stories then visit Caboodle Angel's facebook page. You will find us there.



To Cowardly Former Volunteer
by: Pat Griswold

To those of you who feel that Craig is running some secret land of horrors, why do you "hide in the bushes" and make these accusations anonymously? There is no reason people should believe your wild and crazy accusations if you are not willing to put your name. Craig is an exception individual and doesn't need lunatic hampering his work.

Feb 11, 2011
To Cowardly Former Volunteer
by: Pat Griswold

To those of you who feel that Craig is running some secret land of horrors, why do you "hide in the bushes" and make these accusations anonymously? There is no reason people should believe your wild and crazy accusations if you are not willing to put your name. Craig is an exception individual and doesn't need lunatic hampering his work.

Dec 11, 2010
Marry Me?
by: Anonymous

Craig has to be the most compassionate man in the world. He is the best and I wish I could find me a nice man like him.

Nov 29, 2010
by: Norita

I'm Norita from Malaysia.
I'm a cat lover and have 60 of these lovable furry friends. I truly admire Craig for doing this. People can be cruel to our four-legged friends and they really need more people like Craig in this world. Perhaps with enuf funds I could also set up a cat sanctuary in this part of the world. Craig is wonderful and I truly wish him success and hope that he'll have a succession plan for times when he's not able to continue.
Keep up the good work Craig!

Nov 15, 2010
Death Camp for cats ?
by: Anonymous

It is sickening out there.. This place is a time bomb.. All of the cats could get wiped out in no time from predators and blatant diseases.Unfortunately, this place has become extremely unpleasant and horrific death camp for cats ... Cat caregivers... not send your innocent animals there...

Nov 14, 2010
Kitty concentration camp
by: Anonymous

I do agree with the former volunteer's comment 100 percent. GO take a look... It is a true horror show beyond the cute houses which are a very little use for the kitties... It is so heart breaking that they suffer so much all along the way... and getting the worse situation there....

Nov 14, 2010
Kitties Holocaust
by: Persephone

I was so impressed with the video. But it was truly deceiving. He must hae taken 660 cats but they must have all gone of terrible sickness and diseases. Everyone ... please go look at them... It is a real horror show for true cat lovers... Please go experience yourself and report to authorities. Those kitties should go out with dignity or needed serious medical care. All cat lovers...please go take a look. The volume of the severely sick kitties are way too high .. the remaing population will suffer so terribly.. HeE is still taking more in without effeincient medical care. the website is also very deceiving... I was impressed but aftet being there for long hours... I faced to tell the truth....This is a real kitties concentration camp.

Nov 11, 2010
Caboodle propaganda
by: a caboodle volunteer

....i've been there. Craig might have started out with good intentions, but has become a hoarder. There is no way he can manage the health and care of 600+ cats. He is in violation of several animal welfare guidelines in the state of FL. Go there, observe, look beyond the gingerbread houses and then if you can still write a pro Caboodle article then ...something's wrong with your sense of justice.

Nov 04, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Thanks for the Facebook group. I joined and will watch the case.

Nov 04, 2010
Most of those cats are now in heaven
by: Anonymous

Caboodle Ranch is not what you see in the videos and pictures and a lot of the cats in those pictures are now gone. It is coming out soon as people have been visiting there and seeing the horror. You can search Caboodle's Angels on Facebook to find out more. It's a sad sad thing cause when I look at those pictures I know that most of those cats are no longer.

Oct 11, 2010
Amazing, Wonderful Man
by: Kat Shotz

Now here is a truly neat person I could love!

Oct 11, 2010
Amazing, Wonderful Man
by: Kat Shotz

Now here is a truly neat person I could love!

Oct 02, 2010
From NJ to Caboodle
by: Dale

I could not keep my 2 cats any longer and didn't want to put them in a shelter (where I got them), so my niece and I drove from northern NJ to Caboodle in late June. The cats weren't happy in their crates in the back of the car, but finally calmed down after about 2 hours. Spent one night out in a motel, and arrived late afternoon.

What an incredible place. Clean, neat and Craig is amazing. We toured the ranch and then put Lena and Wiley in the newcomer cages. They stayed there about a month and then Craig took them, in a cage, to his trailer to get used to him and the other cats. Now they are both in the general population and doing great. I call every couple of weeks to find out how they are doing.

A friend went down recently and took a picture of Wiley. Happy, well fed and with lots of pals.
I am going down to volunteer in November and am anxious to see if my cats remember me.

Craig's cats are in cat paradise. I am so lucky I found the Ranch. I am sending to the Ranch the money I would have spent on the cats each month. It's worth it to see them so well-cared for.

Please support the Ranch. When the Animal Planet show airs, I hope it will encourage more donations.

Sep 23, 2010
by: Michael

Firstly domestic cats prefer rodents to birds as they are much easier to catch.

I would have thought that birds would steer clear of the this particular piece of property as it would be apparent to a bird that cats are about.

The only time birds get caught is when the cat is not visible as cats stalk from undergrowth.

As the area is highly populated with cats with insufficient undergrowth to provide cover for them all, I think a bird would not settle on the ground and be exposed to an attack from one of the cats.

I would disagree that the birds are "eradicated" in the area.

Cats do tend to prey on animals even when fed but it is an individual trait for domestic cats. Some cats are passionate about it and some just don't give a damn!

Domestication has gradually removed the inbuilt necessity to prey on animals when hungry.

Michael Avatar

Sep 23, 2010
About the birds
by: Anonymous


Sep 22, 2010
great place
by: kathy

Ive seen videos from this place before on here. This is such a great place. I love it when the one cat reaches out its paw to touch the mans face. How loving. My Lia does that to me sometimes even though hes more into bumping heads. All the cats look perfectly happy and healthy from young to old. They all love this man and its amazing how they all get along. This place is heaven on earth and that man is an angel.

Sep 22, 2010
what about the birds?
by: Anonymous

What about the birds on his ranch? Probably hunted and eradicated at this point. The ranch is good for the cats, not so good for the wild birds. If you have a hunting outdoor housecat yourself--one or 600--maybe you should check out getting a birdsbesafe cat collar to stop their hunting succes? I think there's a website with the same name. Birds need our help, too.

Sep 21, 2010
And I thought I had a lot
by: glenndupuis

After viewing that wonderful video, I decided that my 9 cats are just a drop in the litter box to this great man. I only hope that he will have support because he like me is getting up in the years and my major concern is what happens when I'm gone? Hope and pray he will get all the financial and other kinds of help he needs. God bless a great man and his beautiful babies!

Sep 21, 2010
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I'm glad Craig has the approval of the Tallahassee Humane Society and the Tallahassee/Madison County Animal Control. I'm sure their support helps a lot. I really feel he'll be able to keep it up. Especially when Animal Planet airs the segment in January about Caboodle Ranch.

One group is working hard to nominate Craig for Animal Planet's Hero of the Year. He certainly deserves it.

I'm glad his "unintentional" creation has benefitted so many cats.

Sep 21, 2010
by: Michael

He is very impressive. This is an awesome undertaking and I worry if it is sustainable. It is amazing how all the cats get along in such a large number - guess there must be the odd fight!

It is wonderful to see Craig doing this for unwanted cats. They are wanted and loved again.

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