Florida veterinarian said senior cat was ‘suffering’ and euthanizes her on the day of intake at SPCA

A Lakeland senior cat was euthanized the same day it was turned in to SPCA Florida because the veterinarian said the cat was suffering. This tragic story is yet another reason to have your cat microchipped.

cat euthanized
Veterinarian ordered euthanasia stating cat was ‘suffering’ (WTSP)

Jazmyn had been part of MeLynda Rinker’s family for many years. There’s even a brick in the front yard with her name on it along with each member of the family. After being brought inside the home to become an inside kitty, last week the 20-year-old cat escaped the home through the cat door and never returned.

MeLynda said during an interview with WTSP News

“We’d fall asleep and she’d be asleep in our lap. We’d go to bed, she’d come crawl in bed with us. We were like, okay, she’s going to come back. And when she didn’t we started driving around looking for her.”

The family never found Jazmyn. A Lakeland city employee found the kitty wandering not far from the Rinker home. That employee posted the cat on Facebook and someone volunteered to take Jazmyn to SPCA Florida to have her examined. It was there the vet said Jazmyn was in bad shape and was ‘suffering.’

The SPCA has a four-day waiting period before euthanizing. If the cat is microchipped they wait 10 days. What a lot of cat owners don’t realize is that if a veterinarian determines a cat is suffering they have the power to order euthanasia to ‘do what’s best for the animal in the moment.’

MeLynda learned her cat had been killed through social media. She says she’s trying not to be furious and hopes SPCA Florida will take a closer look at its policy.

Since Jazmyn’s death MeLynda is taking her own advice and has had her other cat microchipped. If Jazmyn had been chipped the vet would have been able to contact her immediately.

SPCA Florida is offering a memorial weekend in Jazmyn’s honor the last weekend in April where they’ll office discounted microchipping. The usual cost is $15 at that location.

Old cats often appear unwell (because they’re getting old). A 20-year-old cat may not be as bright and fluffy as the typical cat. Still, it’s sad the veterinarian had to make the decision to euthanize a cat whose family was desperately trying to find her.

In Jazmyn’s case, even if MeLynda had visited the SPCA the day of intake it would still have been too late.

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2 thoughts on “Florida veterinarian said senior cat was ‘suffering’ and euthanizes her on the day of intake at SPCA”

  1. Had she been my cat and learned she had been euthanized within a day of being at the vet I swear I would go after the shelter vet but thats me,the owner’s need to lock that pet door.

  2. OMC, what a horribly sad story. This just feels so wrong. Of course a 20-year-old cat might appear to be suffering. She was possibly confused, lost, and 20 YEARS OLD! Obviously a cat of this age would appear to be in distress and nonkempt in appearance. I believe this Florida veterinarian acted in haste. A ten day waiting period should be an absolute requirement unless an animal is in a state of extreme unrelenting pain with no hope for survival…and I mean extreme. 😠 I hope that veterinarian does some soul searching and takes this incident to heart. Jazmyn’s family must be feeling angry and heartbroken. I would be furious, horrified, and in a state of shock with devastating grief. Sending love to you at the Rainbow Bridge, Jazmyn. 😱😭💜💜🐾

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