Marvellous Miss Mae
by Maggie
Miss Mae(hem)
Mae is a beautiful Silver Spotted Tabby, and I'm just going to share a little bit about her. Around January (2010) I was at my mother's house with my two sisters, my friend and my cat, Chilli. A young boy named Cody, about 9, was constantly coming to visit, none of us really minded as he seemed like a good kid...
It was in the afternoon when Cody walked into the room my friend was staying in, my friend was with Chilli asking Chilli why he hated him so much (he's a bit strange) then Cody walked in, stole my sister's iPod and walked out... Anyway lots happened which I won't go into, as this is already too off-topic, but we got the iPod back and Cody was guilt ridden and ashamed...
About 2 or 3 weeks later Cody returned at my mother's house with some sort of surprise waiting in the shed, mum went in and saw a tiny kitten sitting on the bench, she wasn't happy as she was still upset that she'd lost Wilson, and didn't want another cat. When she told me I almost hit the roof, as I can't stand the gifting of animals... Mum asked the boy what he would have done if mum had rejected the kitten, and he bluntly replied saying "I would have dumped it up the bush, that's what everyone else does."
Anyway, when I met Mae I was blown away! She was just so funny! What does your cat do when it's happy? It purrs, paw pumps and... heat butts!! Well, Mae doesn't head butt, she licks!
I took Chilli up to visit her, and it was like love, I mean, hatered at first sight. Chilli LOVED his new girlfriend, but Mae was playing hard to get, and just hissed, growled and oinked (yes, just like a pig!) whenever Chilli tried to get near her. Eventually she couldn't resist Chilli's charm, and ended up following him everywhere!
They're still a little new to each other, and she can still get defensive, but Silly Chilli is behaving like the confident boy in which he is and tackling her like life's a game! (which it is to a cat!)
Mae is very beautiful, she's got an amazing ear set which is placed really high on her head, and although her colouring is quite poor, her spotting is starting to come through more clearly and she's getting more stunning every time I see her! She's indoors only, because what happened to Wilson was very tragic and unnecessary, and we can't let Mae live a life of such risk and disaster..