Sweet yet sad photo of kittens curled up together outside

This photograph is heartbreaking: a sweet yet sad photo of kittens curled up together outside awaiting their fate. It sums up the vulnerability of kittens born outside without human care and without their mother. I don’t know where their mother is or what happened to her but this photograph was taken by the neighbor of a friend of a guy called Chris who describes himself as a cat man – great.

He posted the photograph on Facebook and it caught my eye for the reasons stated. What chance do these kittens have of surviving? I have seen so many kittens with terrible eyes because an upper respiratory infection (URI) has turned into a secondary bacterial infection in their eyes (conjunctivitis – pink eye) which has eaten away at the eyes and left them blind or with the loss of an eye.

9 thoughts on “Sweet yet sad photo of kittens curled up together outside”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Very sweet momma cat, they are the lucky ones. Just wanted to say that every single animal I have ever cared for has, very soon after they came home to me, told me their name. Even the cats who already had names given to them. They show me their names using all the little behaviours and enthusiasms they have. It’s usually the name that the cat tells us is the right fitting name, that sticks.

    We have preferences/dislikes when it comes to how we are referred to. No reasons to think that our sensitive, self aware cats, are different.

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