Free or controlled feeding of domestic cats? Infographic.

The answer to the question in the title is largely common sense as the infographic indicates. The danger as I see it is that full-time indoor cats, neutered and spayed, are more likely to put on excess weight due to possible boredom and a lack of means to express natural behaviours and thereby expend …

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Will one female cat feed another one’s kittens?

Will one female cat feed another one's kittens? Yes if they are domestic cats.

I am writing about domestic cats. The reason for that is because not infrequently there’s more than one female cat available to share the responsibility of raising kittens. In the wild, it is far less likely that a female cat will encounter another and therefore what I describe below applies to domestic cats. RELATED: …

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How to give a kitten milk replacement formula

Dog bottle feeds kitten and warms up the milk at the same time

I am taking this information exclusively from the work of four veterinarians in writing the reference book Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook. It is an excellent book. I don’t have personal experience of feeding kittens with milk replacement formula. Kittens can be fed milk replacement using a special pet nursing bottle or the commercially …

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