Cat tongue taste bud locations. Infographic.

I confirmed some of the information in the infographic by discussing it with AI (ChatGPT). Here is a transcript of that conversation. I started by reading Dr Desmond Morris’s book Catlore on this topic, hence the question in the dialogue. Question: Can domestic cats taste sweetness? Response: No, domestic cats cannot taste sweetness. Cats, …

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Infographic on the difference between dogs and cats in tasting sweetness

Difference between dogs & cats on tasting sweet substances

I guess by now a lot of us know that dogs are very different to cats in tasting sweet substances, usually foods. The infographic below explains the difference if you were unaware of it. The underlying cause of this difference is that the dog is an omnivore in practice while the cat is a …

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The genetic reason why cats can’t taste sweetness

The genetic reason why cats can't taste sweetness is explained here

This is about the science – which is about the genetics of all the cat species – behind the failure of cats to detect sweetness in their food. We know that cats can’t detect the taste of sweetness in their food but what happened? It is a bit strange when you think about it …

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