Why do many domestic cats have white ‘socks’ on their paws?

Tabby cat with white socks

To get straight to the point the reason why domestic cats often have white socks is because during the early centuries of cat domestication people liked to see rare tabby cats with white fur on their paws so they made sure there were more. Today they are called tabby-and-white cats. They are not a …

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White spotting gene charts

Here is a series of very useful charts showing various aspects of the effect of the presence of the white spotting gene including theories on how the gene works to create varying amounts of white fur. The charts come from Sarah Hartwell’s messybeast.com website with her permission. Sarah is the graphic artist. Talented lady. …

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Black and White Bicolor Cat Roy

Roy is a pretty typical cat. It is nice though to see him getting the five star treatment from Helmi Flick. He looks great in these photographs. Bicolor cats with a solid color and white are probably the second more common cat coat after the tabby and tabby and white. Although the tabby coat …

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Deaf Cat

photo by bass_nroll Two things come to mind when discussing the subject of a deaf cat: what made him/her deaf? how do we know he/she is deaf and what can we do about it? What makes a cat deaf? This section can be divided into two; (a) causes due to defects in the hearing mechanism …

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